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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. None of the channels cut out where i am.
  2. That feel when this "second PC" is 3x faster than my main PC. Good price, GLWS.
  3. Just saw this, See http://www.tvfool.com for more. 4 4.1 6 6.1 10 10.1 17 19 Hispanic channel 28 28.1 32.1 \ 32.2 \ 32.3 \ 32.4 Gihad channel, African network, cooking channel, spanish channel 32.5 / 32.6 / 32.7 / 32.8 / 34 34.1 34.2 34.3? 51 51.1 \ 51.2 \ All church/christian music channels 51.3 / 51.4 / 53 Something along those lines. the 32 channels are junk and only half of them are in English. 51s are all Christ this Christ that. all of the 34's are pretty good. lots of documentaries.
  4. Shitty. If the cops think its headed for circleville why isn't the state/feds/whoever getting involved and searching shit down there. Seemed like a "Sorry about your luck, we dont give a damn" type of response.
  5. How can he pizza slap! Joking aside, that prick deserved every bit of it. Hes obviously a bully to the kid and it looks like he'd had enough. If someone smacked me in the face with a piece of pizza then laughed calling me a faggot as he walked off, you bet your ass hes going to get a haymaker. There was a kid one of my HS classes that people picked on. He acted like and dressed like Marshall Mathers, but deep inside the kid was actually cool and smart kid. One day someone called him a wigger and he decided he had had enough. Knocked that kid the fuck out. Nobody picked on him anymore.
  6. My inlaws pond over off liberty road was scanned earlier this summer. Surprised they're just now getting to that pond. According to 10tv the pond was partially drained twice in the last 6 years. Crazy they almost accidentally found it twice.
  7. Honestly, what good reason is there for them to ban direct sales of automobiles? Money hungry pricks.
  8. grain count? I need something in the 35-40 range for my HP22A. Side note, The Delaware Walmart had full shelves when i was in there at noon today. The only thing they were limited on (no surprises there) was .22 lr and all they had was 250 count 55 grain Remingtons for 22 bucks a box. Side side note, When ordering ammo online, do you need to go through an FFA dealer or can you have it shipped right to your door?
  9. Oh god, if this happened, my gf and i would not be able to be in the same house. Shes from Alabama and lovessssss her roll tide.
  10. jeffro

    FS: Iphone 5

    Yes, craigslist is a waste of time anymore. Too many scammers and low ballers. That said, ive had pretty good luck using ebay lately. I have found that after the fees (13% from my experiences so far) i get right around what i wanted or maybe a bit more, AND i don't have to deal with idiots. Its pretty straight forward. The only downfall is you have to wait like 2 weeks after the item sells before you can touch your cash. Edit, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS start your auction at .99.
  11. No driveshaft loops? Seems safe.
  12. I was rear ended back in 2009 in my mustang. Same thing. Went in for whiplash. Their insurance covered the hospital bill (no idea how much it was) gave me a lousy 120 bucks for pain and suffering, and paid for the repairs to the vehicle. 1100 bucks seems good to me *shrugs*
  13. Id bet menards would sell you a skid full if you wanted.
  14. jeffro

    NFL thread

    so um, browns were supposed to be on CBS today but the bangles are on instead. weaksauce. Anyone know what channel theyre on today?
  15. If you had asked me several days or a week ago where i stood on the issue it was towards the "I dont give a shit, its not going to happen to me" side. I am slowly moving towards the "Maybe i should care. im starting to get a bit worried" side.
  16. I want to try this. Something tells my stomach wont hold as much as yours however.
  17. For those interested... heres a follow up. I originally put this antenna in the basement because for some reason i get better reception in the basement than i do in the living room. I really didnt want to put it outside so I had it hanging upside down from the rafters and somehow picked up 25 free channels late last night. After finalizing its mounting position i could only get 17 channels for some reason. Today i decided to move it out onto the patio. I have it aimed 160* from north and get 27, yes 27 free channels here in Dublin. Ive got it mounted to the fence at about 6 feet from the ground, aimed slightly downward. Some thoughts: This thing is very thing. At 20 bucks i figured it would be of low quality, but damn this is of really low quality. Like popcan thin. Some of the rungs were bent when i pulled it out of the box but after some carefully placed force I managed to get them mostly straightened out. I worry that a decent gust of wind could completely tear it apart... lol. It came with all necessary mounting hardware and then some. There were about a dozen decent sized good quality cables ties, and a dozen or so cable clips for mounting to the side of a building or wall. The instructions kind of sucked and were written in Engrish, but who needs instructions anyways. It took me about a half an hour to put it together. The Amplifier has two outbound jacks on it so you could actually hook two TVs up to it without the need for a splitter. The "motorized" apparatus is interesting to say the least. It comes with a wireless remote that has one button. Press it once, it spins one way, press it again and it goes the other way. Surprisingly it has 360* range of motion. Unfortunately unless you're looking at it, you have no idea where its pointed. If you aren't pointing the remote directly at the receiver which sits next to the TV it doesn't work. But for 20 bucks, I'm happy and would recommend. yes, i have too much time on my hands.
  18. Picked up this little guy yesterday to bring my now "collection" to two firearms. Came with the box, manual, two mags, and 450 rounds for the low price of 140 shekels. Only had the opportunity to put 2 magazines through it yesterday before the rain started falling. Freaking love it. http://i.imgur.com/ggkXGmI.jpg
  19. More like.. "oh look, the US is giving isis weapons and armament."
  20. Love my "wood" interior trim in my A4. Classy as fuck.
  21. Thanks for the ram brossef. Free bump.
  22. went to microcenter tonight and picked up this guy: http://www.microcenter.com/product/346270/360_Degree_HDTV_Digital_Amplified_TV_Motorized_Rotating_Antenna Ill have a writeup in this thread in the next few days and ill put it in this thread. Very first impressions are mixed to say the least lol.
  23. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4705485287.html
  24. What do you all recommend for an indoor antenna? Cut our cable yesterday and have been using a cheap set of rabbit ears i had in the basement. Only getting a dozen channels or so on the ground floor whereas i was getting almost 2 dozen downstairs in the basement. No idea what the problem is there, but looking to get something a little better. At this point i do not believe an outdoor antenna is an option as i have nowhere to put it and no way of running the cable to the outdoors without drilling holes in the walls.
  25. And then "Iced hot chocolate" became a thing.
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