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Everything posted by MmSadda

  1. Don't knock incest, dude. I'm a family man, and that's a game the whole family can plan.
  2. ^Oh, nice! It sounds like you've done your research plenty well; From what I've heard, that's about as aggressive as is reasonable to go without rubbing. The tires will probably be stretched a little bit, though.
  3. hahaha it's only a week or two old. That's hardly thread necromancy. Anyways, I'd never heard of a short-horse jockey.... Is that a man who rides the hobby horse??
  4. What's a Short Horse jockey? And Nascar's definitely worse.... at least I don't have to get drunk as shit to be entertained by drinking.
  5. For as much as I like the C6 significantly more than the C5, it doesn't sound worth it for that C6; You'll have a salvage title, which means if the car gets totaled, you'll end up getting ripped off. It's twice the cost of the C5, and it'll take a helluva long time to fix, not to mention it will likely cost more than you're estimating to have it road worthy. On top of that, once the frame has been compromised (and the frame of that C6 has, it's never gonna be completely right again. Buy the C5, drive it for now, and sell it a while down the road if/when you find a deal on a better C6.
  6. I went back and looked at all the pics in the first post.... and then I fapped. a lot.
  7. Ah, that last post from the OP is a nice choice of wheels for the FC. Total secks. What size tires are you going with, though? I can picture you needing to roll the fenders, especially in the rear.
  8. MmSadda

    Hi, my INtro

  9. Bwahahaha! My user title's riceboy? Interestingly enough, I was just thinking it's mostly V8 guys here, and I should change my title to "Resident Ricebox" or "Resident 1.3l Ricebox" Hahaha thanks, man! I just met 'em at Sloopys, but all the CR people I met there seemed pretty cool. How'd jo0 know about my oral herpes, and how I got 'em? Thanks! The fox body in your sig looks WAY clean! Is that yours?
  10. Turns out, I actually don't have any more pics beyond the one at the bottom of this post The car's being stored in my grandma's garage for the winter, so I don't know when I'll have a chance to get more pictures. I'll try to if I stop by there some time, though I won't likely drive it out for a wh It is in fact my dad's name on the title; it's his car, though I may be taking it off his hands when he takes over my uncle's 68 Firebird project (when my uncle finally admits he's not doing shit with it.) The Vair been bored and stroked 30 over, rebuilt 20k miles ago. Also, had a slightly hotter cam thrown in, but I'm unsure of the specs. Sadly, though, it's an autotragic.... it'd be significantly more fun if it had a 3- or 4-speed. Coincidentally, we may be swapping for a different transmission soon; my dad's resarching what's an easy swap into the car. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a169/collinfoust/corvair1.jpg?t=1230943444 Also, I've got some buddies out in California who are into cars, mostly RX7 guys, a couple Nissan guys, but one of 'em bought a Corvair shell, and found an original Corvair turbo engine. It's a rather odd look for the car, but you might get a kick out of this, too: http://photos-d.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v357/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30653707_8858.jpg http://photos-e.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v357/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30653708_9158.jpg He's in the process of rebuilding the engine right now, and talking about trying to find a way to swap in a Subaru engine at some point. Now wnaplay, if you don't mind, I think it's your turn to post some pics of your Vair. This site needs more Corvair lovin!
  11. Really? I was always under the impression that an FC would outhandle an FB, stock for stock... even though they're a bit heavier, the more refined suspension should make 'em handle better... that's just what I've heard, though.
  12. ^Thanks man! Yeah, I probably won't make it out... sounds awesome, though! The Corvair and the Grand Am are both wingless. Actually,neither of those has a spoiler of any sort. I can haz avatar na0w?
  13. I take it new members aren't allowed an avatar? I couldn't find where to add/edit one anywhere in the user cp
  14. hahaha! You win the internets for today, good sir! I take it Pedobear is well-known and accepted around here?
  15. Thanks everyone for the compliments on the RX7, and keeping the hatred of the wing to a minimum. If I was going to bother with a swap, it'd be for a better rotary engine. If someone put a gun to my head, though, and told me to throw a V8 in the car within the next year, I'd put an LS7 in. psh. the car's normally fuel injected. I intend to keep it that way. (and yes, Camden makes a kit to have a supercharged, fuel-injected 13B 6-port engine) Yeah, it's sort of a love-it-or-hate-it thing. It's actually my 2nd favorite spoiler or wing made for 2nd gen RX7s (with my favorite being the RE-Amemiya wing) I actually planned to not put it on 'til the car at least had some sort of forced induction or porting, but since I had the car repainted and had an opportunity to get the wing painted for free, I decided to do it now. BWAHAHA! When I first read your post, I wondered what the hell you were smoking. Then I saw you drive a first gen. (p.s. I hope you have an independent rear suspension, if you're going to crack on how FCs handle. ) I know I recognize you from other forums, too. Hey! For some reason, the site isn't loading properly, and I can't see your first name. Who are you? Psh. nice triple post Yea, I held off on the pics because I thought I'd need to make a second thread. Where's this strip you're talking about? and when do the races start, and how much will it cost to race? Speaking of the Corvair, I should take the Corvair down to the race... even bored and stroked, it'll probably run 20.09 if I mash the gas Just 'cuz you asked, here's an old pic of the Corvair. It has larger wheels now (I think 15s instead of 13s) http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a169/collinfoust/Corvair2.jpg?t=1230761288 .....wait... ..........srsly? .... zOMG A wommenz in teh internetz!!!!!111one
  16. Thanks, mang! It was a lot of hard work... I didn't even mention the body work that I had to do to it; I ended up having to put new sheet metal in for part of the driver's side fender and shape it before the first paint job. It was not an easy project, and I have WAY too much into at this point, but I love it.
  17. WOMMENZ?!? on my intrawebz? WHERE?!? http://www.rx7club.com/images/smilies/suspect.gif
  18. Thanks, Mike! I appreciate it! I still have mixed feelings about the wing, but it actually does seem to keep the car a little more stable at higher speeds, which is why I wanted it in teh first place. I must say, your Z looks rather beautiful.
  19. oh, and just because it's a big deal for excell, zOMG!!!!!!!!111one There are wommenz on the internetz?!?!? lol que? Also, to clarify, my car runs slow as shit in the 1/4 mile. I don't even want to go into it.... but I didn't buy it for straightline performance; I bought it for how it handles.
  20. Okay. Just makin sure, man!
  21. Okay, on to my FC! I bought her with 140k miles, looking like this: http://photos-b.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v73/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30314337_504.jpg http://photos-e.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v73/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30314340_935.jpg The engine had shot an apex seal, and there were a ton of mechanical problems.... luckily, I had the resources to get her all fixed up Under spraypaint, with a rebuilt engine: http://photos-h.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v73/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30314351_451.jpg After the paint job, with new wheels: http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v115/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30392406_580.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v115/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30392407_945.jpg Also, did one of the few true ambient-air intakes for the FC: Mariah cold air box, cone filter, vented headlight cover: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v240/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30542424_7146.jpg Then she took a hit, and the shop that did the first paint job did the body work, but couldn't match to their own paint, so they repainted the car, and got it much closer to the right color. I also threw on one of the two spoilers I had lying around. I know it's big and ricey; I already have my flame suit on: http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v332/51/14/82000840/n82000840_30641211_3721.jpg
  22. Did you ninja-edit that?? Raptor Jesus loves the children! http://img481.imageshack.us/img481/362/raptorjesus6eo.jpg http://sas.localguides.com/bundles/guides_ax/assets/widget_a6dGQ98pzfcPBd2IRdNQuQ.jpg
  23. Quasi-epic n00b multiquote! woooo! I'm transgendered. Which set do you want pics of? p.s. your profile setup on this site doesn't allow for that. :( Gotcha. Pics of my FC coming after this multiquote, then! You wouldn't by chance have gone to TW, would you? I know a Ryan who drives a last-gen Camaro SS bwahaha! nice!
  24. Damn, you guys post as fast as the lounge in rx7club.com! haha I'll check out some other n00b threads.
  25. Yup. I'll post some up in a bit! Do new members just need two posts in their own thread, or do we actually need two different threads? If so, I'll just make another thread with pics of the restoration of the FC.
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