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Everything posted by DereksChic

  1. You can buy these for like 20-30 bucks at Home Depot. I just got some there a while back.
  2. yepp he's coming to take care of it
  3. 4 dogs...all inside because that is where dogs belong. All of our dogs are cool as hell (but we are biased) Dante: a husky mix...who knows what else is in him http://lh4.ggpht.com/_b6ca92qWFrs/SMXoeMbONVI/AAAAAAAAAfc/pzQeFkHBaIM/s512/2004%2C%203.JPG Onyx: black lab/pointer...she'll give you a run for your money in a game of tug-o-war http://lh5.ggpht.com/_b6ca92qWFrs/SMXnrrGJneI/AAAAAAAAAYw/HUk8e6gLL4o/11-07%2C%201.JPG Haley (brown) & Harvey (black): both chihuahuas. Haley is fat at 8 lbs. Harvey is normal size at 5 lbs. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_b6ca92qWFrs/SMXnUYPdcTI/AAAAAAAAATg/yqDhS7vszjA/IMGP2655.JPG In the years we have been together, we have owned one other dog and fostered at least four that I can think of. We love dogs. Obviously.
  4. Since no one else did it...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEREK (turborust)! Thank goodness our car insurance will finally go down! Love you.
  5. Funny ting...the company I work for did the market study for Campus Partners that concluded they need more modern dorms if they want to require sophomores to live on campus in a few years. This is part of that deal. We didn't say how to do it, just that it needed done. Looks like they're moving in on the conclusion pretty quickly.
  6. One that is still open? My best advice is MedVet in Worthington. They are a little pricey, but excellent! 300 E Wilson Bridge Rd Worthington, OH 43085 - (614) 846-5800
  7. I did not know Kenny really, I had seen him at some meets when I was with Derek. However, when I looked at NBC4's website last night and saw that disgusting picture of the bloody car and read the inconsiderate comments people had made, I could not believe my eyes. I e-mailed NBC4's web person and told them my thoughts, in a nice way. I just got an e-mail back saying they made the following changes: they took out the blurb about the person in the car "returning home from bible study," they took down the picture, and they deleted and closed all commenting on the story. I just checked it, and they did not lie. It's all changed. At least they take well to advice. They also sent me their deepest apologies for any friends and families they may have offended.
  8. Does anyone here know how, or know someone who knows how, to pour a cement shower base that will be tiled? Derek and I are remodeling our master bathroom and we need a cement base poured, along with a curb, so we can do the tiling. We are gutting the bathroom down to the studs. New insulation, new drywall, mold board, tile floor and shower walls, etc. PM me if you can help or let me know if you have any general advice. Thanks!
  9. There are some brand new ones at the corner of 256 and Livingston Avenue in Reynoldsburg. They are nice. I believe they were built as condos and are nor being rented because they could not sell in the current market. They are behind WesBanco and Ritters.
  10. Long story short, Derek and I went in there to buy a new Mazda3, white, non speed version, that they had leftover. We were going to trade the truck in. They offered us $2k for the truck (a slap in the face) and then when we said no, the guys told us to 1. either run the truck in to a tree, or 2. "let the bank take it back." And take on the car we wanted. We reported him to the manager and the manager called the next day kissing Derek's ass. We did not buy the car and I would never recommend them. Ever. They have some shady stuff going on.
  11. First one to come and get it can have it for $50. Link below has all of the details. http://columbus.craigslist.org/fuo/1035720745.html Located in Reynoldsburg. I'm Derek's wife (turborust).
  12. World Market has good coffee...many flavors. You can buy most of them ground or unground.
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