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Everything posted by ReddyZ06

  1. Here's a 10 minute youtube video update on the Cooper Park complex development. Again, it is 10 minutes long and really just explains why the area was selected for the tech center and race track. Mike
  2. Here's a 10 minute youtube video update on the Cooper Park complex development. Again, it is 10 minutes long and really just explains why the area was selected for the tech center and race track. Mike
  3. Cooper Park has a booth just outside the main entrance to the Columbus Autoshow (right across from the Cobra Raffle booth). They have a petition in support of the park anyone can sign if they are in favor of a well designed facility that will bring good money to the economy of Columbus. Mike
  4. Part of Appearance Automotive on 5th Ave in Grandview - good people. Mike
  5. I just feel it's important to support the use of automobiles for more than only commuting to work. The automobile is a machine that should be used for more and this would be a safe controlled environment for it's performance use. Mike
  6. Everyday I hear about government plans to control automobiles. The president of the U.S. currently is studying a plan to shut a car down if some one steps on both the gas and the brake pedal at the same time. Left-foot braking is common in performance driving or dragracing burnouts. Any facility that allows performance use of any type for an automobile has my support. I can still go to National Trail, Marion County or KilKare for drag racing and have a facility in Columbus for other venues. Mike
  7. I don't see this posted anywhere here so don't think it's a re-post. As you may know there is a plan for a motorsports facility at the old Cooper baseball stadium. There is some significant resistance to the proposal from some people who seem to prefer a hanging garden or something else. anyway there is an online petition started to favor the motorsports plan. Here is a link with more information if you care to read more. http://forum.ovr-scca.org/index.php?topic=242.0 Mike p.s. here is the link just to the facility plans. http://www.cooperparkcomplex.com
  8. The city actually buried the crossover. I always thought somebody must have had a strong attitude about future races. As zeitgeist57 said, the Town Street bridge is no more now either. Mike
  9. Can't verify this but I have heard some people claim that they were on road courses and/or in autocross events and OnStar has called while they were driving to ask if everything was OK. Mike
  10. AJ, As old as those tires are and with as many runs as they have, they probably won't get warm enough no matter who runs first. You both make the most of them for sure. Are new tires in the plans yet for next year? Mike
  11. You gotta love the first-gen Camaros. Building them the way you know how is even better. .. but, building your Vette ... that gives some great mental images too. Mike
  12. Craig, I think I heard something BITD about the city not wanting the race because it cost too much. You are right they must have lost a million dollars in revenue to the hotels etc. The big NBL BMX race at Christmas was credited with bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars to Columbus. Then didn't the city come out with that money pit "Ameri-Flora"? Anyway, they wanted the race gone so bad that they buried the Camel Corner near the railroad tracks under about 12 feet of dirt. Also, I believe that the city had to pass some exemption for the weekend so that the speed limits were lifted on those streets. I think that the race disappeared around the time that Jim Trueman passed away - old brain cells - not sure. I believe that he was the one that had enough clout in Columbus to get this kind of thing done. Mike
  13. I sold my last Camaro (99SS) in 2002, but would also like to see this when it happens. Mike p.s. I still have a couple LSx cars and am looking forward to real tests of the 2010.
  14. Actually, I did not leave but I was running third heat. Bill got some nice photos of the third heat though. http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery...2009/index.html Mike Well, that link didn't work let's try this: http://www.autocrossforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7071
  15. http://gallery.ovr-scca.org/ Mike
  16. Would make a great base for a track-only car too. Mike
  17. They can straiten out the class at registration if you get to the event early. It's really not much of an issue at a T&T anyway because the times are for your use only not class wins. The only issue would be what group you ran with and again not a real issue in a T&T. Mike
  18. That would be a fun car to wrestle around the autocross. Mike
  19. What a great looking car! Best wishes on your quest for the first 8's that would be some bragging rights. Mike
  20. AJ, This is a "quick and dirty" image. We'll do better this year. http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp66/ReddyZ06/cbb3942f.jpg Hey, remember when you used to work at Richart? Mike
  21. OVR has some loaner helmets at their events. Personally, I would go to the Iron Pony, they seem to always have new helmets at great prices (many in the $30-$60 range). If rules are still the same as they used to be, for autocross you can use either a MA or SA rated helmet. The SA is required for most roadcourse use due mostly to the Nomex material. I guess fire is not a concern in autoX so MA is legal too. If you plan to hit some road courses later you may want to buy the more expensive SA rated helmet now. Mike
  22. No problem, TnT is a good place for ride-a-longs. Mike
  23. I should mark my dashboard that way! Mike
  24. AJ, We'll make it happen. Mike
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