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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. First I thought the funny was pale girls with bikini tops, then I scrolled down. Holy crap, you know she's the kind of girl that does filthy things for male attention.
  2. I had a Pogo Ball, thank god that's all. Thorne still uses the majority of the items on that list on a daily basis in his basement....ask Christian they like to "play" together.
  3. I hope everybody who posts in this thread has itchy balls all day long. Especially you spendocrats....
  4. "I wanted to do hood rat stuff with my friend" lolz
  5. I wonder why.....:cool::bangbang:
  6. Awesome! Just pm me your User ID and Password.
  7. This could be true, quantity is also an issue. They say that they detected 25 gallons of it, and I'm sure much more than that would be needed to make fuel or for human consumption. Either way it's cool to have another reason to explore space.
  8. Thought this was pretty cool. Now it seems like it might not be a complete waste to go to the moon instead of just skipping it for Mars. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-sci-moon14-2009nov14,0,2036369.story
  9. I would pass on an $18 option, let alone $18k.
  10. Only liberals and Spendocrats shop at Whole Foods.
  11. A friend of mine owned a C5 50th anniversary that I rode in quite a bit and I was pleased with the majority of the cars interior the only complaint was the radio/ac buttons, they didn't break, just seemed cheap for a car of that price. Personally though, I'd make sure to get a manual tranny.
  12. Just that they are awesome, especially for the price you can get them for. But I guess if you want actual information here you go: http://www.southerncarparts.com/corvette-c5-common-problems-ex-14.html http://www.corvettefever.com/howto/corp_0504_how_to_buy_a_corvette_c5/index.html Mechanically there seem to be no huge issues.
  13. This confirms that I don't want to hear Ken Block talk, just watch him drive.
  14. All I could hear is 3 guys yelling unintelligibly, probably about stealing my wallet.... j/k lol, that was really cool.
  15. Ok, this one is very very very wrong and insensitive.... http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/medium/stone-cold-shame.png
  16. The Scientologists are already using all of those machines.
  17. Saw some rice in Bogota today, first the F&F rice: http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/IMG_02322.jpg Next of course is the horse rice fucking blocking up traffic all the damn time: http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/IMG_0233.jpg
  18. Great introduction, welcome to the site!
  19. Looks good Paul, would look better with some chin pubes on the front lip...something to think about.
  20. Finally one of you posts something I can actually use to get off.
  21. Most reliability issues seem to have been taken care of by 2005, so that's good. http://consumerguideauto.howstuffworks.com/2002-to-2008-gmc-envoy-2.htm
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