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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. I wish my WRX came with mudflaps.
  2. Why don't they suggest putting the car into neutral and pressing the brakes?
  3. Littleguy

    3 rows

    Mid-engine and supercharged ftw, lol.
  4. Littleguy

    3 rows

    If I had a family and the budget I would get a Volvo XC90 either V8 or 2.5 turbo. Very safe, double reinforced roof, and very very easy to use in everyday situations with kids.
  5. Welcome to the site, talk to Thorne if you want some good tuning advice. Also, don't be scared of Stg. II, you just have to have someone who knows how to tune a Subaru properly.
  6. One thing to consider when looking at the Chinese economy is the fact that they have been manipulating thier currency for years to increase exports and when they do finally adjust it both them and us will feel the effects. Also, imo, China is trying to keep a communist party in control nationally while giving more independant/quasi-democratic conrol on a local level and on a business level and I don't think being half-communist can work. Of course this is all being typed by a Chinese (the country) hating round eye so what do I know.
  7. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/ATTC.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/ATTE.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/ATTA.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/ATTB.jpg
  8. Just spray painted the info onto the side of my car to let other Subaru owners know...j/k looking forward to the meets.
  9. Littleguy


    Let her do it so there is one less crazy b*tch out there to screw up the rest of us?
  10. +rep because I used to have an MR2 too.
  11. That is what I was talking about. People grouped up and put into certain areas but also the fact it seems like the incentive for politicians is to create programs that seem to be good for certain groups, but only really make those groups more dependent on the government. It may not be realistic, but I think that we can't have equality if the systems in place by the government make certain groups dependent. I am all for helping people, I grew up poor and my family needed help, I just hate it when the "help" eventually turns into something that doesn't help people to become independent and free, and instead makes them dependent on a government. I know welfare wasn't created to be a racist system, I studied government in college, I am just saying that in a way it has created a section of society that is "second class". Nobody says that it exists, and we wouldn't want it to because we don't want to be like that but, for the majority, the system creates dependence, not opportunities for exiting it.
  12. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/racism.jpg I like it when these topics come up that nobody could possibly agree on, lol. I don't know about here, but coming from Texas, I find the stuff about a cop being afraid of being accused of profiling hilarious. I know from experience that it is definitely no advantage being a minority in the Texas court system. Want to see racism in action? Just look at our country's welfare system that was made to "help" certain groups, but really only creates a part of society that is dependent on the government. Also, the CIA invented crack.
  13. Glad your meet topics are as relevant as your car advice. :marc:
  14. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/100_0580.jpg
  15. Welcome to the site. Waiting for pics to give rep.
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