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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. Nice intro, welcome to CR. Haven't seen you around Delaware either, I'll have to keep a look out.
  2. Waiting for pics to add rep, but welcome to the site. I saw lots of K20 hatches/CRX's in houston, they are cool little 12 second screamers.
  3. No, but I did 16 passes in 3 hours at the CR fall track day with no problem.
  4. Awesome man, I'm very happy for you.
  5. Best fails of 2009 http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1927354
  6. I'm not an isolationist, but right on for self-determination.
  7. Being a Toyota fan, I'm dissapointed with this car. The past years Toyota has basically abandoned the enthusiast and now they come up with this? A car that I can never afford? Wow, thanks a lot Toyota for showing us that you can make a car that's fun to drive and then making it so expensive that I can't get one(so expensive I could buy a Ferrari AND a Gallardo for that price). I am much more impressed with the FT-86, a car I can actually drive.
  8. I will agree that the poorest people in some places there are living better with Chavez, but, I have met a lot of journalists, engeneers, doctors, etc... that have fled to Colombia because of land and businesses being seized. There is also the fact that Chavez wants to make Golf illegal, seize control of auto-industry, and more. I fear for the standard of living of the majority of people in 10 or 20 years if Chavez remains in power. Of course, I am Colombian and it is a very pro-american/anti-chavez country so I am going to be coming from that point of view.
  9. Of course everyone looks happy, just like in China or North Korea, look happy or go to jail. Edit: Or Venesuela too.
  10. Probably because the American capitalist pigs are still busy feeding off the blood of the working man, right comrade?
  11. That's a big ass turbo http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/IMG_1618-c.jpg
  12. Sucks man, this is my first winter with snow so I am worried about doing the same thing.
  13. That's a sweet ass looking engine bay.
  14. How does the old saying go....there is power, reliability, and cost effectiveness....now pick two.
  15. I hear he's working on an srt4 swap...
  16. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/58kXI.jpg
  17. Why do you make me look at this stuff? I was frozen today!
  18. Welcome to the site. Wanna get drug around by a neon?
  19. I don't know what kind of turbo comes on your car, but I do know that it's a volvo. I was really just messing around, not looking to start a dick measuring contest.
  20. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/GayJiuJitsu.jpg
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