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Posts posted by Littleguy

  1. Obviously you're being sarcastic so I'll wait for you tell me which news source you watch that's more credible than a source that has never given out false information. Then after you tell me that news source, explain how unbiased it is. I'll wait.


    That would be impossible. Your choice for your top intellectual resources are: 1. Russian intelligence services and 2. Reddit threads that you like.


    I have no base for understanding the way you choose to get information about the world.

  2. BTW, I trust WikiLeaks more than I trust literally any other major "news" source. How many times has WikiLeaks put out inaccurate information?


    I know Kerry will insult me for saying that because he agrees with the extreme and obvious bias of the major news networks.


    I agree completely comrad! It's the capitalist American pigs spreading their propaganda and hiding the truth from the people. Only credible sources left are places like the KGB....err....WikiLeaks.

  3. Last I checked my Apple stock is helping them build more products and be who they are which is a pretty solid US Based company.


    No, it is not. That is not how Apple stock works.


    I could say the same for the shit-ton of Ford Stock I bought back in the early days of Obama's depression but thanks to Clinton and the policies we have in place today, Ford moved out of the US and is using my money to help the Mexicans out with their new assembly plant. Even my Fusion Sport was assembled in Mexico. So I guess you could say I support Mexico too and am doing some international good.


    I'm not sure you quite comprehend what you are doing when you buy a share of a company's stock on a public market but yes, you did help them buy buying something made there.

  4. Honestly, low participation in the job market is not great, but there have been a lot of discussions about how the retirement of the baby boomers were going to have an effect on this since there is so damn many of them.


    What these people don't understand is that the labor participation rate is only going to get lower and lower due, mainly, to technology. Ownership of capital is going to be more and more important and small or micro investments in capital should be more encouraged for lower income/wealth households if they want to make it in the coming decades.


    The fallacy is that it is being made political. The right wingers won't see the truth, mainly because they have become experts at lying to themselves, and because they would rather blame Obama, or China, or the elite, or now Hillary.



  5. This. Weather is perfect year-round, people are friendly as fuck, and there's always something to do. Tons of homeless folks, mexicans, and dirty hippies though.. but whatever. I have friends and family around San Diego, La Jolla, L.A., and San Francisco.. love visiting. Tons of gays in San Fran, but they really know how to spruce up the place.


    Exactly, money being no object it is the place to be. A buddy of mine has a place in La Jolla and it is amazing.

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