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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. Hahaha, true, lol. We are actually adding a bought not built sticker to the engine bay, lol.
  2. I hope to build something that gets this much hate one day, shows that you are doing something right.
  3. Going into 2015 I started new positions in NFLX, AMZN, and BABA in November/December and I think I got them at great values. Still waiting until oil hits $40-45 per barrell to start looking at any of those companies.
  4. Nice video, I could feel that fwd launch watching it. Welcome to the site.
  5. Beautiful property, congratulations.
  6. So it's a really cool alarm clock.
  7. I'm using Qbittorrent v3.1.11 and I'm happy with it.
  8. So after reading everything here I've come to a couple of conclusions. First, this isn't money laundering (the attempt to conceal the source of funds). Second, maybe telling him isn't "necessary" and we should all mind our own business.
  9. So does this involve cheating on the spouse? When I hear, can't tell the spouse because it may result in divorce, and it is an "emotional and financial" scam it makes me think maybe he/she is being shady/up to no good and deserves whatever is coming??
  10. +1 Also plays avi, mkv, etc...
  11. I have to wonder what it is that makes you wake up every day looking for things like this to make you angry. If Shane doesn't find something that Obama, the government, or black people did to piss him off his morning just isn't complete.
  12. Seems reasonable to me. When I am in my car I give motorcycles extra room to roam as a general rule since they are so vulnerable and thanks to all the computers and such on modern cars it is pretty easy to avoid them. On the other hand, if they are being asses, my cage weights 4500lbs so avoiding me is on them.
  13. Like, I like totally, like started like rooting for like the crazy lady in the like Explorer after like a couple of like minutes.
  14. I haven't seen any news reports at all saying the person shot was unarmed. Maybe CR should get better news sources than sputniknews?
  15. I pretty much listen to this song on repeat every single moment I am in the car.
  16. Thankfully the last few years I have found groups of young people in the malls wrapping gifts to raise money so that has been my go to. If that's not available gift bag all the way, lol.
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