so i was looking for boats on Craigslist and stumbled upon a good deal. emailed the guy and to my surprise the email came back in proper grammar and everything was spelled correctly. but i got the whole scam impression right off the bat with the guy doesn't live near the boat and wants to use a service. he recommended we use a site called but the thing is, he didnt url me or anything, he just simply told me to go to onlinequickdrop dot com. so i typed that in and it brought up the site and the site seems scarey legit. what is your guys take on this, i still feel this is a scam and will not be going through with it, but do you think the site is a hoax, i googled it and did not find any info on it, good or bad.
here is the first email he sent me after i asked him if the boat was still for sale.
and here is the second email after i said everything looked good and if he had a number i could reach him at. he obviously ignored my request for his number.
and here is the website that he wants to use
btw he is using a gmail account which i know a lot of people are using them these days but they always seem scammish to me