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russian rocket

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Everything posted by russian rocket

  1. This new policy took effect on the 9th. Long into your PayPal acct and it'll say policy update at the top. I just received a small payment for one of my college books and they are holding my funds.
  2. russian rocket


    is it just me or did everyone that uses paypal get the new policy? technically not new but seems to be fully enforced now. the 21 day hold on all money coming in. seems like bullshit to me. also now that they have done away with the money market, who gets the interest on the pending money....i bet i know who. if this truely effects everyone, i feel sorry for the power sellers who will ship out a 1000 things in 21 days and all that shipping will have to come out of their pockets. almost feels like paypal and ebay are going to run themselves into the ground eventually.
  3. stupid bitch, she put her face right into the dogs face and was still talking, the dog probably didnt like the smell of rotten tuna being blown into his nose. but in all seriousness, i have seen many dogs snip when you blow at their face. and i like how the media is blowing it up, making it seem like it was a life threatening injury to her lip lol i want to see pictures of how bad her lip really was
  4. if you look closely, he actually didnt drop on the first round of fire, but the second time the officer opened fire he did. the guy was probably high as fuck on pcp and didnt feel shit.
  5. definitely the eclipse! has a front mount with no turbo installed! thats 1.8 liters of intercooler madness right there.
  6. while this is pretty shitty, i did a little digging and found a news article on it. if what the attackers say is true, this kid probably deserved it. "McCarthy said the attack was not racially motivated, but was in retaliation for an earlier incident, in which 20 people attacked two teens." http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/01/16/video-of-beating-posted-on-youtube-prompts-police-investigation/
  7. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/403931_10150463596710846_565505845_9055783_1523656495_n.jpg
  8. somebody pointed out that the lady at :11 isnt wearing pants? but then again, it might just be some really tight skin colored spandex
  9. How will it increase the oil flow to the correct amount? The pump is crank driven so that's the part that confuses me.
  10. does anyone know much about oil injection systems on snowmobiles? mainly on a 97 polaris storm 800? there is a pump on the side of the crank case and oil lines that run just past the carb right before the reed cages. my concern is that my sled is decently moded where i have actually gone up from i think its a 330 or 340 main jet stock to a 460 main jet. is there a way the oil injection system compensates for the added fuel or will it run lean on oil because of all the extra fuel? will i have to block off the injection system and just run premix?
  11. concur, saw this last night, fucking horrible...
  12. there is a pizza papalis in toledo, amazing pizza.
  13. this illinois game is hard to watch, i never knew they were so horrible
  14. i agree, OH has some of the slowest fucking drivers around. its almost like they teach you in drivers ed to go under the speed limit. i have put up with this shit for 6 years now and still cant get used to the idiot drivers around here. another thing that pisses me off is the assholes who will not turn right on red when there is absolutely no traffic around and no signs prohibiting it.
  15. he looks like a normal junior to me, how fucking big is he supposed to be for only being a junior in high school? he honestly looks exactly like braxton miller....
  16. shane morris is 6'3 185 and is currently a junior in high school. braxton miller was 6'2 190 as a senior. i for see shane gaining a lot of mass in the next two years
  17. love him or hate him, this is still pretty amazing http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=7379980
  18. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/402276_2667927671536_1656397139_2493263_1037821717_n.jpg
  19. it always a scam if they use the word "advert" the scam is where he uses money from a stolen account, you send the product, then paypal takes the money back from you and now your left with no money or product. even if you transfer the money to your bank and withdraw the money from the said account, paypal could possibly overdraft your account to retrieve the money.
  20. do you have any family that could lend you some money temporarily?
  21. would be sweeter if it was semi auto
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