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russian rocket

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Everything posted by russian rocket

  1. bump...anyone? i need them asap
  2. im looking for either a set of stock or aftermarket rims for a 2002 audi s4. they need to be 5x112 perferably 17s or 18s and i think they need to have a 45mm offset minor curb rash is ok but no bends or cracks, the wheels need to be perfectly straight. can have tires or no tires. let me know if you guys have a set or know anyone who does. if you have one or two of the factory rims i would be interested in them also. thanks
  3. i have farmers because they are the only ones that allow pitbulls, but that comes with a hefty price, i pay 1000 a year for 350k coverage
  4. possibly a repost but saw it for the first time today, pretty neat how it all actually happened
  5. i dont remember much from my cisco classes that i took 10 years ago but i think it depends if they banned your ip or your mac address. if they banned your ip, you might be able to request your internet provider to change it, if they banned your mac, i dont think there is much you can do unless you mask your mac found this on google http://www.a3webtech.com/index.php/get-around-a-website-ban.html
  6. i for see advancements in medical technology
  7. put your negotiation skills to work....
  8. not mine but i think this is what your looking for. http://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/boa/2189675146.html
  9. apparently not illegal in russia lol
  10. some old lady brought her dead husbands playboy collection in to the show pawn stars and she had a shit load of them, there was a bunch of old ones and they werent worth shit. i think he said there are only a couple of them that are actually worth anything, one of them is the marilyn monroe issue
  11. oh cool anyways, its a sweet car and im in the market for another toy, i will be getting my tax return back here in the next couple days, i just need to figure out if i want to do something responsible with some of the money or fun lol
  12. http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7358/bestoffriday5.jpg http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd479/Web_Nelson99/CocaineCat.jpg http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg03bamJ0q1qdfbf7o1_400.jpg
  13. apparently you have the same mentality as squirrels
  14. stupid people have nothing better to cry about....
  15. single riders arent to bad, its when you have the fucking group of riders that take up the whole fucking lane and they dont give a fuck about anyone else because they are in the fucking zone.
  16. then have some respect and stay the fuck out of the way
  17. next time they should use a capital T, to really show that they mean business http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/153104/lower-case-t-burning
  18. next time maybe they will stay on the fucking sidewalks
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5unKNLcj8P8 what else would it be for
  20. 379,700 http://jalopnik.com/#!5772616/lamborghini-aventador-lp-700+4-will-cost-379700
  21. It was at a speedway so I wasn't to concerned about the quality of the gas
  22. That blows. I'm not fighting it or anything. Just curious what the law was behind that.
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