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Posts posted by spectragod

  1. On 10/8/2022 at 1:05 AM, vf1000ride said:

    I'm an aircraft mechanic for a living.  Here is my toolbox, you can assume (and would be correct) that there have been many purchases over the years on tools that have only one purpose and used very few times.  :)


    That’s a pretty nice starter set, what kind of aviation do you specialize in?


  2. I’ve changed out a few blend door motors, I recommend a oem part, less failure rate than the ones that are guaranteed for a lifetime. That said, I can beat the book time by a lot, and it can be done without the whole dash coming out. It does take special tools to accomplish this with the dash in the car, the snap-on man loves me.
  3. I gave gold bars (little ones) 16 years ago... They have increased in value 40%....






    I can hardly believe gold wasn’t much more than $100 an ounce back in the day.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. That is one helluva DD.




    Very nice pickup. :-)




    Thanks, I said I would never own a 6cylinder pickup, but holy shit, this thing has some balls. Added bonus.... Prius owners hate you even more.


    I can honestly say, if your looking for a truck, Drive one of these, a little (lot) spendy, but resale is through the roof, so if your like me, and you keep this stuff for a year or two, ownership costs almost nothing.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Prison isn't working for addicts, and the majority of low level possession isn't suppliers pushing weight - it's recreational addicts.


    If they are a repeat (3rd offense) offender then treatment isn't working for them either and you can feel free to spend on incarceration and it will come with a heavy sentence. This isn't a measure to clear out the lifetime junkies - it's there to stem the tide of people coming into it from the prescription opoid crisis, very few of whom actually end up long term users.


    If there are other circumstances that put them in prison, then those aren't going to be non-violent circumstances, and maybe removing them from society for a while is best, they will still get treatment and they won't be out walking the streets.





    If addiction was a choice. But it isn't. Once your body is physically addicted to something like fentanyl or Heroin or any other opoid - not taking it makes you very sick. It requires medical intervention and a treatment program. You can't just decide to stop taking it one day and everything is fine. The "recreational" users we are talking about here aren't recreational like marijuana, they are functional addicts, people who are chemically addicted but whose lives have not spiraled out of control yet. There are plenty of cases of people having functional heroin and opoiod addiction for years, even decades, just are there are alcoholics who can do the same. It will catch up to them eventually either through financial or legal trouble, so why not take the approach that when they get caught up in legal trouble we get them the medical treatment they need.




    Blah Blah Blah....the scary socialist is in the window, whaaa whaaa....The "war on drugs" has only proven to do one thing - turn public money into private money through the privatized prision system. It hasn't helped the victims, it hasn't helped those incarcerated, it hasn't helped society.


    The correct way to fight this isn't through the end user, it's electing law makers who will actually do something about the Pharmaceutical industry's transgressions against the American public. Regulate them, and you stem the tide of new users and then treatment and lenient drug sentencing isn't necessary anymore. Find politicians who don't take pharma money and actually want to stop it at the source. We don't have an epidemic because people suddenly think Heroin is more fun than netflix, we have an epidemic because these drug companies mislead the doctors, mislead the patients, paid lots of money for healthcare providers to push these drugs unnecessarily, and is now making money hand over fist manufacturing the drugs needed to treat the addiction (methadone).


    or continue bitching about red scare and snowflakes and other such nonsense...choice is yours.


    Good lord, where to start...........


    Actually, possessing certain narcotics in a "school zone" will get you jammed up, recreational or not, kinda like going on a military base or federal building with a gun. Or better yet, possession of fentanyl and a gun.


    Addiction in most cases is a choice, a lot of addicts were merely recreational users, and became hooked, it has nothing to do with pharmaceutical companies, private prisons, aliens, what ever bullshit your trying to spew.


    I'm not worried about what ever socialist crap your referring to, I don't care. When your junkie friend tries to rob me or break into my house, I'll cure their addiction, and I haven't seen a whole lot of success stories, but I'm sure you have a video of someone claiming how big money companies cured them but it cost them everything, blah blah blah, if YOU choose to stick a needle in your arm, then YOU caused YOUR addiction, and the majority of users started just that way, wanna know how I know, because we know a lot of them by name, see them all the time, we know where they came from and how they got hooked, not some made up shit you believe. Back to blocking you, do you even own a car?

  6. My problem, fentanyl and carfentanyl possession becomes a misdemeanor. And then ask yourself, how exactly does a non violent first time offender wind up in prison, either it's not your first offense, or there are other circumstances in conjunction with your possession charge.


    Do we as a collective have a addiction issue in the U.S., yep, we also have a lot of people who can't pass a drug test because they use and no one will hire them, seems like a simple choice for recreational users, what's more important, drugs or a career, I think we know the answer...........


    Maybe we should, as the U.S., offer, free college for as long as you would like, free EBT cards (no limit), free homes, free cell phones, free cable, free utilities, free cars, monthly check ( say 5k?), free drugs (we can make it all legal), how long till the country shut down and we ran out of money?


    Stop living for the weekend or your high, make a future and a life for yourself and stop walking around in a daze, spewing out what you believe are your constitutional rights..


    Sorry for the puddles I left from the melting snowflakes, rant off.............

  7. In my 15 years on this forum I've never seen somebody reply to somebody else's intro with their own intro.


    It' the latest rage....... soon, longtime members will do intro's in other intro-intro thread, seem's legit to me....

  8. I'm certainly glad you got pictures of her floating corpse. I'm sure that's what she'd want posted on the internet as her dying wish.


    What's even more amusing is when the FBI wants your phone, and shows up with a warrant for it, and the photographer. Of course, there needs to be some foul play involved, seen it happen twice on missing people/homicide's.

  9. My only concerns would be lack of the rear wing (is it there somewhere?) and the rust you can see on the inner rocker when both doors are opened...


    A needle scaler looks like it could clean that up, that is also very minimal for that car.


    I still believe it’s worth more than the asking price.

  10. Really? What if both put down sell price and go there own ways? I've never had a prob with that.


    I guess if someone put $500 for a Lambo or what not it would...


    Actually no, a couple years back, a local PD gave me a old crown vic, it was about 5 years old at the time, everything but the motor had been rebuilt. And it needed a motor. I did work for them time to time, asked about it, and it was mine. I put $500 in the value.


    You guessed it, they called the PD, they told them that they gave it to me and if I put a value on it and paid tax, they should be happy. Someone up in Columbus has too much time on their hands.

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