There are tricks to beating the ticket...
You can plead not guilty, which, will require an additional court date, it is possible the the citing officer won't show up, either work schedule won't allow it, or prior court dates won't.
If he does show, you can always plead if you want at that time. As far as reckless, they would have to "prove" that you were reckless, speed, no matter how fast, doesn't justify reckless operation, there have to be additional circumstances, i.e., weaving, wheelies, a crash etc..
Now, if you want to piss the court and judge off, when they ask you how you plea, tell them you wish to stand mute, in which case they have to enter a plea for you, you won't earn any points, but you will make them scratch their heads and go WTF?
It's tough to beat a statie on a speed, but a fucking "pace", I'll throw the bullshit flag on that. Get a attorney, make them prove calibration on their equipment, if he paced you, he's going to have a hard time proving that his speedo was certified at the time prior and post to the citation. It is possible that he verified it with his radar, and logged it, that is legal, but doubtful that it was done.
Good luck, let us know how it turns out.