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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. They don't need to, it's over. Trump has claimed the EC votes. It truly was a brilliant move by a master tactician.
  2. Trump already claimed victory, not sure why people are still talking about the election.
  3. I'm not a political analyst, I'm just repeating what Nate Silver is saying.
  4. Nothing to think about yet. It's going to be close and it doesn't look like we'll have an answer tonight.
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37535643
  6. Those sneaky bastards. Tricking their way into power by getting more votes.
  7. Isn't this whole thing just saying, "If the Democrats win, they'll do what Americans want them to do." Like nothing in there is nefarious, it's just someone coming to the realization that Republicans are outnumbered and they might not be in charge anymore. Isn't that just how democracy works?
  8. Shrug. You're arguing with yourself at this point.
  9. US voters in a nutshell. "He has no policy positions!" "What about these policy positions?" "I don't want to read those!"
  10. OK, well there's a platform that isn't just "I'm not Trump." Maybe you disagree with it or you find it sometimes lacking in clarity, but there it is.
  11. I read his twitter feed almost daily, there is 0% manipulation or editing or selective choice there. Christ. Do you read his twitter feed?
  12. Question, Trump seems to have extreme hatred in his heart for his fellow Americans, should he be allowed to vote?
  13. Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!
  14. "I didn't think they'd demonize ME" says party that spent decades demonizing people.
  15. ROFL. Democrats are the enemy of the people. They hate America and want to destroy it. Also, demonizing the other side is bad.
  16. Imagine being this close to awareness and not getting it.
  17. About as much as you're defending boogaloo boys kidnapping governors.
  18. No. Listen to me. This: This is manifesto shit. This is what gets released to the media before someone shoots up their workplace. This is the sort of thing people talk about when they say better mental health screening can prevent mass shootings.
  19. Do you like it when Trump says Democrats hate America? Eta: I'm tired of pointing it out but I'm a libertarian, not a liberal. Thank you.
  20. Trump unabashedly calls people losers, he says that Democrats are the enemy of the people, he says they hate America and want to destroy it, he calls for his political rivals to be arrested while his crowds cheer. But thank you for identifying the REAL problem with political discourse in America, those damn hypocritical libs who have said a few bad things. You've cracked it!
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