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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Being a fan of deficit spending and huge debts to own the libs.
  2. We've been over this before. You're not being charitable with your money, your being charitable with my kida' future earnings. You're literally borrowing money from them to give away now (and buy stupid expensive cars, let's not kid ourselves about your propensity for nice things), money that they're eventually going to have to pay back in deferred taxes. You don't want them to have the same agency with money that you're enjoying now.
  3. This may be one of those cases where you have to cast a wide net and find a car that's in the right condition (cosmetically good but doesn't cost a fortune) and worry about which specific model it is second. Most BMWs rack up a ton of miles, and most get pretty haggard looking. The headaches with these come from clearance issues with the oil pan/steering rack, the headers/steering column, and even the brake booster and engine accessories. Driveshafts are easy enough to measure and have made but there's a lot of engine mount swap kits out there and not as many custom oil pans and A/C kits. Before you settle on something, I'd make sure there's parts available and/or that someone has done it before. I wouldn't want to be a trendsetter on this one.
  4. Must be a different part. Florida releases their hospital/ICU utilization rates and based on contemporaneous interviews with government officials and hospital staff it appears that those numbers are already including "overflow" ICU beds that have been set up to deal with the coronavirus surge, so when some of those bigger counties are showing 9% beds available (for instance) that's being report as 150% capacity because that includes all of the additional beds they've chucked together for this. Not to discount the second hand information about your cousin's wife, but either her experience has changed in the last few weeks or she's in a particularly lucky part of Florida. According to Drs. Fauci and Birx, the metric they're using is the test positivity rate. From Johns Hopkins: They didn't single out Ohio specifically, rather lumping us in with Kentucky, Indiana, and surrounding areas. And so far Ohio's rate hasn't crested 6% recently (and has actually dropped under 5% since they made that statement), whereas Indiana/Kentucky's rates have been steadily increasing, an observation that they found worrying. But yes, at the moment Ohio is doing better than most states, but even our numbers are trending in the wrong direction. Stay vigilant.
  5. I'm just relaying what was reported at today's press conference by ODH. I have not had a chance to look any deeper, but all trends bar deaths have been going in the wrong direction. Given the lag in the effects of the virus + the reporting, I would bet good money that deaths will not continue to decline. YMMV. Schools were supposed to reopen on a condition of cases going down for a continuous 4 weeks -- that they haven't is why my kids aren't going to be back in school on the 19th. Really don't see this as us "doing great" but you're free to interpret it as you see fit. I don't see the next month being particularly cheerful.
  6. Record day in Ohio in terms of new cases/new hospitalizations. Drs. Fauci and Birx have recently said that Ohio (and surrounding states) are looking to be future CV19 hotspots based on our high test positivity rate. UA schools are going to be distance learning until at least 18 Sep, and other districts are now saying 2021 before students set foot in classrooms. At the same time, 10 counties have gone from level 3 to level 2 in the last week. Herman Cain dies of CV19 after most likely catching it over 6 weeks ago at Trump's Tulsa rally. He was in the hospital for nearly a month. Stark reminder of how the uptick in deaths we've seen in the last week is just the beginning if people dying today caught the damn thing 6 weeks ago when cases were just starting to climb again. Texas is storing bodies in refrigerated trucks. Florida ICUs are at like 156% capacity with covid patients. In my house we've really had to recalibrate what we consider risky behavior. Like Shaun (hope you're still doing well buddy) we had started doing a lot of outdoor visits with friends/family, strictly outdoors and masking up when we get close to each other. That all seemed reasonable in May. Seems less reasonable now. Stay safe CR.
  7. Your wife is a fucking legend. I can tell you exactly how that would have gone in my household, and it would have started out with "You are not buying a 45 year old RV."
  8. That's not all that escalated! Ok now I'm taking it too far
  9. Vote Republican for big and opaque government! At least we agree on that.
  10. Calling someone names because they disagree with you is certainly the height of maturity.
  11. You're changing the subject so I assume that means you concede that your conspiracy theory is silly.
  12. They might, dumocrates do seem to have more integrity but right now Republicans are in charge. What incentive would a republican head of the atf have to keep this information from a Republican senate and a Republican president? They'd be a goddamn national hero.
  13. I've decided to take on a paver patio myself, I need something exactly like this to pass code: How is that done? Is it retaining wall blocks filled with aggregate and then capped off? Do I build that first and then put the patio pavers around it? I'm really out of my element on this one.
  14. I do believe it because any Republican in the ATF who found out they were storing data would call Fox News so fast it wouldake your head spin. Counter argument?
  15. Can't argue with that. Age of consent too. Contracts. Student loans. All or nothing, I say. If we're going to decide arbitrarily that people need to be 21 to make good decisions then we shouldn't let them make any decisions. (in case it's not obvious, this is an argument for lowering the drinking age to 18 and not implementing stupid rules requiring gun owners to be 21. The current hodge podge of age restrictions is clearly silly, as this argument demonstrates)
  16. Otis! Look at this mind bottling statement! They're all corrupt AND they got caught but he's voting for then anyway?! Tater sense! Tater sense! Meh, not as fun as I thought it'd be. Maybe if you do it
  17. My vote is not going to be specifically for this bill so I don't see the contradiction. Has this bill been passed by the house? Has it even made it out of committee? Are the democrats going to win the senate, and if so are they either going to win a 2/3 majority (lol) or are they willing to change the senate rules to pass this on a simple majority? It all seems like a pipe dream. This is a democratic fever dream of gun legislation and if you actually think voting D in the fall is going to make it a reality then, OH sweet summer child. Politics is a compromise. How many libertarians HATED the infringy PATRIOT act but then kept voting Republican. Hint- all of them. Mind bottling indeed. Explain. Are you suggesting that the atf has been illegally logging background check data for years and has somehow kept it a secret? Nobody's blown the whistle? None of the thousands of employees who must know? The government is inept but also super successful at keeping massive secrets? Lol. Look I trust the government with data even less than you do but this is a theory too far. No I'm just the brainwashed liberal soy boy cuck that CR so desperately wants me to be so. Bernie 2020! ACAB! Communism or bust!
  18. Honestly with this and the drinking age they should just not let anyone under 21 join the military. It would solve soooo many problems. Probably bankrupt the Dodge and Ford dealers near bases but oh well.
  19. To further clarify, this bill goes further than even Mace realizes, setting up federal licensing for gun ownership and therefore giving the feds access to information they don't currently have, namely which citizens have guns. For those concerned about confiscation, this has and will continue to be an absolute deal breaker. Me, I don't care about that part of it, but I'm vehemently against every red flag law I've ever seen because it takes away a constitutional right without due process (I think felons should be allowed to own guns as well). I also think the requirements it would put on FFLs are ridiculous. And I'm still not going to vote for any assclown Republicans in November. Bunch of corrupt chodes.
  20. So I looked it up, the paper trail has to be kept by an ffl for 20 years and only turned over to the atf if the ffl goes out of business (and therefore can't keep their records for the required time period). They do not turn over records as a matter of course, only to law enforcement during an investigation. And this of course doesn't apply to private sales. Bottom line, as far as I know the government doesn't know if anyone has guns as a result of the background check process because they don't log any records. So when Mace said "The feds already know I own guns because of the federal check" I don't believe that's accurate. Important to be informed of the facts when voting, I say. (lighten up)
  21. Purchasing a firearm does not currently require a license, right? And by law the atf is not allowed to store anything related to a background check, so the government does not already know that you own firearms. That's my understanding of the status quo. One of us is misinformed, can anyone confirm?
  22. It's because they're the defenders of truth, justice and the American way. No wait, that's Superman. Shit. I can't remember why I'm voting straight dem this fall. To be honest I haven't been paying attention to politics and I'm just brainwashed by the liberal media. Jokes.
  23. I don't approve of a lot of that. Still voting straight dem this fall.
  24. How are you COVID patients doing? Survive the weekend?
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