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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Back in Trump news, after tweeting out the Big News that Wayne County, MI had refused to certify their election results, Wayne County, MI certified their election results. Something like 25 court cases have been dismissed. Have the people who believed Trump's "We have slam dunk evidence of massive voter fraud" lie realize they've been conned yet? Or will they double down, continue to believe that Trump had slam dunk evidence all along, and make up some other nonsense to keep the ruse alive?
  2. Gotta pull them troops out of Afghanistan so we can send 'em to Iran. Yeehaw America!
  3. Right, I mean I guess it's fine not to know that he released all of his tax returns, but all you have to do is pop open google and type in "Biden tax returns," and it's the first link. They're right there, and then you could say, "Oh, I guess that's why it wasn't news." Pointing a finger at the media instead of taking those simple steps to look up easily verifiable information says a lot more about you than the media.
  4. I saw my first "impeach Biden" sign today.
  5. Yeah, Trump declared victory so it's over. Time to move on.
  6. This is what I don't get... like I'm staying home, social distancing, and wearing a mask to protect the elderly, those at high risk, and the overwhelmed hospital staff. Public health experts say I need to do that stuff to help my community -- great, I'm all in. I like helping my community. I'm not doing it because of personal fear, or because of a mandate. I understand there's a flipside to it, and I've been doing things like paying my housekeeper for the last 8 months even though she hasn't been coming in. I'm getting half as many haircuts but paying for all of them, plus extra. I tip 50-100% on carryout orders to help the local restaurant staff. If someone wants to raise my taxes to pay for unemployment or small business relief, by all means. I don't know why being a good citizen is so controversial.
  7. Lol you're right, wearing a mask and exercising 3 times a week probably have the same effect on reducing transmission. Throw some hydroxychlorquine in there and we'll have this licked by Christmas.
  8. Not working out isn't contagious.
  9. All right. Well the situation looks bad, then, since hospital utilization is on the rise despite increases in treatment and decreases in length-of-stay. Assuming DeWine says as much in his address tonight, it doesn't appear as though there's any data to contradict that. Thanks. Stay safe everyone.
  10. Didn't really answer my question though -- is there anything in the data that suggests hospitals are not going to keep filling up in the near future?
  11. This is true, of course -- in terms of a % of positive cases, hospitalizations are down. But in terms of raw numbers, hospitalizations are at the highest they've been since the pandemic started and trending upward. Since both cases and hospitalizations are trending in the wrong direction, and hospitals are starting to near capacity, is there anything in your analysis that suggests it's not just a matter of time before hospitals are full?
  12. Data released by the Ohio task force supports this. We're in the worst state right now than we ever have been in terms of current covid patients, we're setting records almost every day in terms of new cases, and nobody seems to be talking about lockdowns anymore. Seems like the next month is going to be very bad.
  13. I keep asking because you keep not answering. Eta: Nevermind, I just realized you're not answering because you can't comprehend a reality where Trump doesn't actually have any evidence to give to the courts.
  14. See... we don't know that the DOJ is actually investigating anything. Barr wrote a memo saying that the DOJ could investigate, which is certainly newsworthy, but there's no evidence that any DOJ investigations have actually started. Some may say that the point of this memo is to trick people like you into thinking that investigations have started. It may have worked. But look, you said: Tomorrow has come and gone now and the Trump admin has produced dick. And I assure you, it's because they don't have dick -- Trump is a bullshitter, and you're falling for his bullshit. Maybe I'm wrong, but my question is, if the dust settles on this election and the Trump admin never produces anything, will you question how you got duped?
  15. You expected big news from Trump today. That's right there in your previous posts. Did Trump deliver?
  16. I'm pushing against it because convincing evidence has not been presented. That's it. Present convincing evidence and I'll say, "Oh shit, new evidence has changed my mind." That's how it's supposed to work. Right now we've got 5 thrown-out lawsuits and big claims from a known liar with no evidence to back them up. Why is it so radical, in the face of no evidence, not to believe the fraud claims? That should be the default position.
  17. No no no. You think that Trump, despite a track record of not producing anything to support his big claims, starting with the crack team of investigators he sent to Hawaii that were going to return any day now with big news about Obama's birth certificate... you think this time he's not bullshitting. You think he's got big evidence that he's just sitting on for some reason. If he presents basically squat to the courts, and they throw out all of his upcoming lawsuit like they've thrown out his last 5 this week, are you going to reflect on why you got duped buy a conman?
  18. If there's nothing there are you going to reflect on anything? Rethink how you drank so much of the Trump koolaid?
  19. There are, as you probably just looked up, only a handful of states that did that, with NV being the only "battleground state" on the list. And there are systems in place to ensure that people don't vote more than once. And, of course, felony convictions for anyone caught doing what you said. And lastly, no evidence that what you're describing is happening on a scale sufficient to tip any elections. But if you think Trump has uncovered this evidence, then bet me. Bet me! Put your money where your mouth is! Put me in my place by taking my money!
  20. Trump delivering the devastating evidence of massive voter fraud:
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