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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Is that all it takes in your plan? Someone calling the police on someone else? No due process? You and I can look at this kid's history and come to a conclusion, but we're only getting one side of the story. Does he get to present his side before you take away his rights? Does he get a lawyer? Is there a jury? These are questions that you need to have answers for before you start bringing the power of the government to bear on its citizens. I've been told repeatedly that gun restrictions don't matter because criminals will just ignore them, they can always find a way to get a gun anyway. All your plan is going to do is limit the rights of the law abiding citizens who might have uncorroborated accusations in their background. Does that sound fair to you?
  2. Shouldn't people like him have the same rights as any other American to defend themselves from criminals, government tyrants, and spree shooters? Are you OK with liberal teachers taking away those rights because someone bit a pop tart into a gun shape or some other bullshit accusation?
  3. Pretty sure school disciplinary issues aren't a bar for military service. So someone with this kid's "record" could sign up to take up arms and die for his country, but you want to deny him his guaranteed 2nd amendment rights as a US citizen? On the say-so of a bunch of liberal educators at that? And without due process protections guaranteed by all of them other amendments?
  4. First they came for the bump stocks, and I did not speak up because I was not a bump stock. This is how the slippery slope starts, you can't give them an inch.
  5. Does that need to be said? Of course he is. But my bias is such that when Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Your bias is such that you come here and tell us all about it to score internet points. Don't fret though, were the situation reversed I'd be here trying to score internet points too. Pretty gay right? We should strive to be better than this.
  6. Do you want clips of conservative commentators blaming Obama for police violence? Because I'm sure I can find those. Trump has been accused of inflaming and emboldening white nationalists, a dangerous and violent movement of which this shooter is associated with. Obama, likewise, was accused of emboldening and inflaming divisive black activism, which some police shooters were associated with. Is it ridiculous to blame one and not the other? Your gut reactions to both of those probably reveal your biases more than whether or not those accusations make any logical sense. Maybe reflect on that.
  7. Maybe God has been listening to all of those prayers and decided that standing by while children get murdered is bad.
  8. All the countries where this doesn't happen must be great at parenting. Are you saying America sucks?
  9. And yet stuff like this keeps happening. Oh well! As long as you're happy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. To be fair, I tend to start the name calling.
  11. I have a plan. It's not a realistic one. Ergo, it is not a solution. I have been entirely consistent over the last 3 pages in explaining my viewpoint. You've been entirely consistent in being retarded.
  12. Did you get triggered by an onion article? Jesus.
  13. When did I say I have solutions? I said I wanted something to happen, I admitted multiple times that the thing I wanted wasn't realistic and would never happen in my lifetime, and then I said repeatedly that there are no solutions. Are you retarded? Can I make it simpler for you? In order to reduce gun violence in this country, People need to want to get rid of their guns, But people don't want to get rid of their guns, Therefore there's no way to reduce gun violence in this country
  14. I can't.... I don't even know how to talk to you.
  15. Voluntary disarmament by an American population that no longer sees any value in being armed.
  16. There's always some truth to good satire. I'm confused. My position is that there is no realistic way to disarm citizens. But you want me to pretend that there is, and then tell you what that magical way is? OK. Laser cats. Any other games you want to play?
  17. There is none. Has my extreme pessimism about America's ability to deal with this not been obvious? School shootings are an unsolvable problem without a sweeping cultural change. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. Seems to work out OK for most of the world.
  18. Yeah guys, what do you want to turn America into, some horrible shithole like Norway?
  19. I actually just saw a comment on FB that said exactly this, except it was serious.
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