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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Americans can't buy all of the great Chinese cars they're clamoring for because of a lack of free trade. It's a real travesty. China famously forced any automaker wishing to produce cars in China to partner up with a Chinese manufacturer, so that those manufacturers could share in the capital produced there and not just have it all siphoned off by foreign investors. This has ultimately been a boon for Chinese car companies and a pain in the dick for foreign IP. But, you know, like not paying your taxes, "That makes them smart."
  2. He had a 442 back in the day, I mean his tastes are clearly not my tastes but he's definitely obsessed with cars. My favorite moment so far is the kid in the borrowed Lambo who "learned how to drive on Youtube" and then won. eta: Oh, spoilers, don't read this far down. eta2: Viper guy was a bit of a douche too but honestly, I'm like 16 contestants in and the overall level of doucheness is so far much lower than Bullrun. It's not quite Street Outlaws but I don't watch that.
  3. It's so-so. The kind of show you watch while doing something else, but the people on it are at least legit car people, even the supercar guys. I just wish they would stop calling everything a sleeper. A gutted/caged Camaro with an 8" cowl hood, 5" exhaust pipes sticking out the front fenders, and skinnies on the front is not a damn sleeper, just call it "supercars vs. normal drag cars."
  4. When one guy fucks up and says "Well the other guy isn't so great either" I usually nod and let it slide. We all make oopsies, that's why pencils have erasers.
  5. Brown is a color not a race you dipshit.
  6. Should I get frustrated about a few hundred brown people like you?
  7. You don't see China imposing tariffs in response to Trump's tariffs? Or you don't think a tit-for-tat escalation of tariffs constitutes a "war?" ??? So when this tariff battle that's totally not a trade war does nothing to change the trade imbalance, and we're still getting "fucked in the ass," are you still going to think it was a good idea? It's like you're getting gang raped in the ass, and you start punching your own dick, and when someone's like, "Hey, you're going to hurt your dick if you keep punching it," and you're like, "Well I'm not just going to stand here and get gang raped in the ass without doing something." It just makes no sense. This. Will. Not. Change. The. Fucking. Trade. Imbalance.
  8. When you fuck up at work do you use your previous coworkers as an excuse?
  9. So when Trump's trade war fails to solve the imbalance and just makes us all worse off, are you still going to support it?
  10. Nobody knew <insert basic government function> would be so complicated. Thank god there's immigrants we can blame to distract voters from gross incompetence.
  11. I hope the few thousand people in the steel industry appreciate the hit we're all taking for them.
  12. Dow set to tumble 500 points after China announces new tariffs, Trump declares that we're not in a trade war. If this is what running a country like a business looks like, maybe we should shop elsewhere.
  13. 1100 brown people seeking asylum: "this bullshit needs to be stopped." trillion dollar deficits with no end in sight: "meh, I can't control what I can't control." Republican priorities = fucked.
  14. Kerry's always been embarrassing, but if that bothers you, oh man, do I have an 8 year span to tell you about.
  15. In today's tweet turd pile: trillion dollar deficits and a completely dysfunctional legislative process, but Trump and Republicans want you to think the real problem is 1100 poor Hondurans and Amazon's shipping fees. Do you see how they don't give a fuck about good governance? But keep worrying about immigrants and liberal tears, see what kind of policies that gets you.
  16. Let's get back to politics, shall we? As Trump's "easy to win" trade war with China continues to tank the stock market (oh sorry, this is a completely normal correction, nothing to see here), let's see what important messages he has for the American people this morning. I don't believe you. I don't believe you, and you're peddling anti-immigrant fear. I don't believe you, Democrats shut down the government over a DACA deal and they were raked over the coals for it, I guess they should have shut it down longer to show how much they care. Also, Donny T is the one who tanked multiple bi-partisan proposals to reinstate DACA and fund a stupid border wa'l. Also, equating immigration with drugs and crime peddles anti-immigrant fear. Trump continues to assert that the only state run (conservative) media sources are legitimate. Now he shifts gears to attack a private company because of a beef with the owners' politics. Now he shifts gears again to attack the DoJ and FBI. Hear that America? Congress sucks, Amazon sucks, your federal law enforcement sucks, any media that criticizes the president sucks, immigrants suck, democrats suck. Pay no attention to the shitshow that is the Trump white house, pay no attention how you've been lied to by Republicans who have increased spending and decreased revenues without any plan for how this will be sustainable. Instead get angry about the stuff he makes up, keep voting Republican and never mind about what's really going on. Tell me again how Obama was bad because he was so divisive.
  17. With full Republican control of government, we have ballooning deficit, massive spending bill, a faltering market, and new gun restrictions...
  18. If I jerk off in a sandbox am I aborting millions of babies? Is it worth it if I breed just one sandman?
  19. And another big day for Trump's market. Maga.
  20. If Trump were negotiating the sort of skilled agreements you're talking about, the stock market wouldn't be tanking. He's being an idiot about a complicated issue. The markets don't like blunt tariffs and pointless trade wars for a reason.
  21. And now Trump threatens to veto the bipartisan spending bill and shut down the government over... DACA? A problem that he created? I have orders cut for next week, I seriously can't even... fuck this shit.
  22. Yeah, that's the name of the game with global free trade. Costs go down for all consumers and some people need to find new jobs. Remember when protectionism saved the US textiles or British automobiles? Me neither. Tariffs never work in the long run.
  23. Capitalism's a bitch sometimes but it works out best for everyone in the long run.
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