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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Nope, fake news. He points out reasons Trump is to blame, but never says that Democrats are blameless, or that Trump is solely to blame, or anything like that. Cut it out with your alternative facts.
  2. I can read, seems like he says we can blame them all. I therefore declare your assessment of Kerry's position to be "fake news."
  3. Democrats share blame for the shutdown; they're in the best position to end it, as only a handful of them would need to vote for the CR to keep the government funded. But we all know it's not that simple, right?
  4. Put me in the "why bother" camp. My interest rate is lower than the S&P 500 gain over pretty much any 10 year period. In other words, if some bank would give me a loan for $200k at 3% interest and I could just dump that money into an index fund for 30 years, I'd be a fool not to. That's basically the situation I'm in, except they have my house as collateral and I get a place to live. Why ruin this deal? Remember that the payments you're going to be making in 22 years are going to be worth much less to you then due to inflation than double payments are now. A couple years ago I ran some numbers for refinancing to a 15 year to get a lower rate and after all the fees and some reasonable guesses about inflation it was basically a wash.
  5. How dare you argue with the great dealmaker himself.
  6. Trump's Obama-era rhetoric on shutdowns comes back to haunt him. As someone now personally affected by the shutdown, I sure wish we had a leader who could lead right now.
  7. It's bitcoin, give it a minute.
  8. I'm pretty sure the answer to "Why is <crypto> doing <anything>?" is "nobody actually knows."
  9. Typically Democrats do worse in midterms for whatever reason, but this year that's supposed to get cancelled out by the fact that the party in the white house typically does worse as well, especially if the president is particularly unpopular. Democrats got shellacked in 2010 and lost control of the house for those reasons plus the unpopularity of Obamacare, predictions are that the opposite will happen in 2020 and the Dems will retake the house. Is that all that dramatic and important? Eh, not really. On the one hand, they probably won't take the senate, so all this will do is stymie the Republican agenda, which hasn't really been going anywhere anyway. On the other hand... no I guess that's about it, not much will really change. So no, not really that big a deal unless you find politics entertaining.
  10. My friend just got one of these, same color, third pedal. I was amazed at the asking price, it's a hell of a bargain right now. Congrats!
  11. Vice: I Can’t Believe I Have to Explain Why Oprah Shouldn’t Be President Daily Beast: Why Oprah Winfrey Shouldn’t Run For President Washington Post: Get a grip, people. Oprah should not run for president New Republic: Why the Democrats Won’t Nominate Oprah for President Neither Oprah nor Trump are fit to be president, a common sense position which seems self evident. Can you say the same or are you too stupid to admit it?
  12. That's funny, you dismissed it yourself, remember? You're not stupid because you disagree with me, you're stupid because you can't comprehend shit that you read, you can't distinguish good sources from bad sources, and you spout off opinions on things without understanding basic facts about the way the world works. Also, when you're losing an argument and you say you want to take it outside, that's a sign of stupidity.
  13. NASA added another Mid-Ohio event as well, May 25-27. I've only signed up for a few events, got too many vacations planned this year so it'll be a light load for me but I'll be at that one as well as the first Nelson Ledges event Auto Interests is doing and the Monday Mid-Ohio season opener on the 14th.
  14. Oh, come on, that's not fair. Don't do that. Don't lump yourself in with the rest of the conservatives on this board. That's not fair to them. No, you're exceptionally stupid. E.g., even after I spent 2 posts pointing out how Trump's terrible approval rating is hurting his agenda, rather than making any attempt to rebut those posts, you just double down on how it doesn't matter. Yeah, for a senate seat that's so guaranteed R the Democrats didn't even contest it in 2014. You can spin it however you want, no Republican strategist considers his "barely winning" a good sign for 2020.
  15. Brandon doesn't know what the midterms are. Maybe Doug Jones can fill him in.
  16. Trump doesn't understand politics, and lots of people thought that was a virtue as well but you can see how well it works. Being popular matters because congress doesn't work for the president, a fact which everyone in congress seems to understand but Trump doesn't. That's why he looked so flaccid and pathetic trying to get congress to pass the Obamacare repeal, because he's an incompetent politician and he doesn't understand how empty his threats are when voters are likely to reward all the "never-Trumpers" in 2020.
  17. Also, Trump has proven an inability to get his own party to back him on legislative efforts. Why? Because he's so fucking unpopular that Republican congresscritters know they can tell him to get stuffed and their constituents won't punish them for it (and in many cases will reward them). Do you see how that might hurt his efforts at deal making?
  18. Hey you ignorant twat, you see that little blue arrow next to your name right above this sentence? You know if you click on that little blue arrow it takes you to the post that you're quoting, right? Now scroll up to post #1584, which is a post of mine where I quoted the very post you're referencing, the one with all the facts. You can tell I quoted that specific post because of the little blue arrow there, it takes you right to it. So yeah, I already addressed your facts. If you want me to summarize again, I said they're mostly either taken out of context, irrelevant, or flat out wrong, and I called the whole thing an attempt at a Gish Gallop, which I then linked you to a definition for because I know you fucking suck at researching things yourself. Your facts are bad, and you should feel bad. I then posted a link to a Bloomberg article with lots of facts of my own, facts to the effect of "only an idiot could look at the numbers from 2009-2016 and conclude that Obama's economy was bad." I quoted a sentence from that article that summarized the main point, as a benefit to you, incompetent reader, so you'd know the gist of what you'd get if you clicked on the link. I also, by the way, pointed out the utter futility in debating facts with you, because whenever I point out that your facts are wrong you just double down on being wrong. I gave you too much credit though. You either didn't read my reply, or you didn't understand any of it. Bravo.
  19. This is what's known as a Gish Gallop. Your post is full of half-true facts, outright falsehoods, and irrelevant data points, there's no sense in responding to each one individually because you don't have the attention span. Plus, you know the Backfire Effect just says that if anyone tries, your natural (human) instinct that you've shown no desire to overcome is going to be to double down on believing whatever it is you want to believe. No, President-elect Trump. There’s no Obama economic disaster. Read at your leisure, or don't, whatever. Regardless, I'm not one to give the president any credit for the economy, a position which you seem to acknowledge but then ignore anyway. Especially when presidents can't point to anything in particular that they might have done. So let's talk about the trainwreck that is Trump. First and foremost, let's talk about messaging. A good leader should provide a clear and consistent message for people to follow. What we've seen in Trump is a white house marked by chaos and confusion. He contradicts his own spokespeople mere hours after they profess to speak on his behalf. He lies constantly about stuff that doesn't even matter. He changes his mind frequently, endorsing a position and then later endorsing the opposite position. He attempted to change DoD policy on transgendered troops via tweet, sowed mass confusion among executive branch staffers and the DoD, and eventually issued guidance which is now being ignored because no lawyer in the DoD could rationalize following it. Perhaps his signature accomplishment, an ill-conceived and racist travel ban, was written and announced without coordinating with any of the agencies or career civil servants tasked with enforcing it, again sowing confusion and chaos in the branch that he purports to lead. He's left hundreds of high level executive branch positions unfilled, something he claims is because they're "unnecessary" while at the same time failing to give those agencies any guidance on what they're supposed to do with the holes in leadership. Again, confusion, chaos. These are not the hallmarks of a good leader. He's done lasting damage to our relationships with other world leaders with seemingly no benefit to the US. He sucks at diplomacy and pretends that's a virtue. He failed to get Obamacare repealed. Now, I'm personally glad that the Republicans didn't get to pull out the rug from a working program even if it's not my favorite, but you can't view this as anything other than a complete failure of leadership from a self-proclaimed master negotiator. Republicans are in power because of an anti-Obamacare mandate. Trump himself promised for years to repeal it on day one. And he failed miserably. Trump is a terrible leader, and that's bad. I'd rather have a competent leader do things I don't like than an incompetent leader fail at the most important job in the country.
  20. I think Mark Cuban is entertaining and I have no beef with him as a person, but he's a loudmouth sycophant with no particular training that would qualify him to be the most powerful executive in the country. I hope to god he doesn't run.
  21. Did you see that Trump shut down his phony voter fraud commission because the Democrats are just too crafty? I guess he got tired of winning.
  22. Don't worry about it, by next election you'll forget all about what a giant racist ignoramus Jeff Sessions is and fall back into the delusion that Republicans are the party of responsible spending, small government, state's rights and personal responsibility.
  23. Republicans give giant middle finger to progress made on state level marijuana laws. MAGA!
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