For me leg issues, back and nerves (physical not mental). Now I am using it in place of muscle relaxers and perks. I am due for back surgery August 4th. The doc/surgeon prescribed me perks and I said pass. My reason is I will need those during the first two weeks after for pain from surgery. I don't want to be addicted to opiates (it only takes two weeks of daily use) so I choose pot. Oil is nice also but harder to get. My surgeon, off the record, told me my decision was a wise choice as he gets a lots of people addicted to the opiates. I also have been researching growing my own ONCE LEGAL. There are certain strains, mentioned above, that have low or no THC but high CBDs so no high is attained. However, also stated above, cancer does use the THC portion.
Yeah I use it for recreational and now medical. I have always worked at white collar jobs and have to be on my toes. Never before or during work period. Never unemployed. Never police issues. Guess I am trying to say I am your average Joe lol.
Am I breaking the law? Sure. You know what? My body will thank me for not using opiates and letting them tear my body up (docs kept pushing them on me the last five years). Gateway drug? For some sure but a lot of those would have evolved no matter what they took. I have been smoking for over 30 years. I would rather be in a car with someone driving after smoking a joint VS. someone who drank a six pack.