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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. Big huuuugz Trish. I have a 19 year old German Shepard that is going down hill. Man, they really are part of the family.
  2. I am doing just this. Unsecured credit is 90% paid off. Come tax time the refund will pay the rest off. Then sell the 2015 car and buy a 10K car with cash. At this point the house then goes up for sale. I know, through a realtor friend, what it is worth and how long it should take to sell. Once sold two week notice at the job. Not sure about the mountains. Thinking around Rio Grande but once ready I have five counties that I have targeted and will start looking into them in the real world instead of on-line. I plan to at the worst case semi retire. Best case retire. Pipe dream coming together.
  3. So who in your mind would be liable? I assume it would be the car owner.
  4. Cal's in Whitehall did my 2010 Camaro clutch. Awesome work, low hours quote, no issues afterward.
  5. Glad she is ok as that is what counts. Man, sorry about the car.
  6. Not picking but think a moment about what I quoted above ^^^. You are in an excellent position. By something reliable now/keep the current car and get it repaired, yeah I know it sucks. Bank some of that extra money/no car payment for a year or two. Then buy what gets you hard. Think about 9% interest. Calculate it out for the life of the loan. Now think about how much nicer of a car you could get from saving for a year or two. Just my two cents.
  7. After 4 years the committee has that option.
  8. Gahanna here twice. Paid to get it removed and redone as I work in that suburb.
  9. I called Hertz when i first read this thread. Best they could do for CBus was an Escalade :fuuuu: .
  10. @ 7:40 I thought you were going to kiss the car in fronts bumper.
  11. Ported throttle body? On my 2010 Camaro 2SS it was very noticeable when I replaced it with a ported throttle body.
  12. Using Webtrends and need to pre scurb the log files prior to Webtrends analyzing them. I see a slew out there but looking for a recommend. Will be used on IIS, Apache and WebSphere log files.
  13. You will loose clarity going this route. Why not hard wire? it will sound much better.
  14. Man, why can't these hackers wipe out my student loan?????!
  15. BBQdDude


    It is also the same group pushing this that did the casinos. The full amendment is on line go read and make an EDUCATED choice. Just look at how the casinos turned out. As far as medical goes they are going to get a raw deal on this language. I am voting no on that and the bill the reps are putting out to block the way they are going about this. The feds are kicking around declassifying it and letting the states deal with the mess.
  16. S6 here on VW. Battery last about 3/4 of the day for me but I do HEAVY Pandora jamming.
  17. If nice I will be out riding the motorcycle. Would love to swing by just to meet some faces. Where and when?
  18. That shutdown portion is insane lol.
  19. I got to ask, how much did it run you $ ?
  20. Dirt rode and raced for years. Street riding been doing it two months now and having a blast. As long as no rain I have no issues, with breaks lol. Around 800 pounds. A SUV. Thanks for the thought, it is a good one. I had the person send me some pix of them. Look like near brand new. Tags and insurance are already in place. As long as no rain I am good. 800 pounds. No truck, I wish . I was blown away by Andys offer. He is da man!!!! Timings issue and no access to the bike prior so this is a no go.
  21. Will have to check the police auction after it gets towed and not paid for. Pick up for cheap FTW
  22. We leave this Sunday . Thank you very much though for the offer. If the weather will be nice I am going to ride it back. If not the GF ended up reserving a trailer that can be canceled.
  23. BBQdDude

    New to CR

    Welcome Jeff! Miss my 2010 2ss. The halos, are those the night owl kit?
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