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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/weather/2010/05/01/vo.nashville.flooding.cnn?hpt=T1
  2. damn that's crazy! how quick did the water raise? i'm constantly amazed that people get stuck in water like that....but i've never been by a river that got up that high that quick
  3. we were at mid-ohio this weekend and: sat: rained in the morning then dry rest of day (thank god!) sun: same as sat in the morning and then it started raining again around 340pm very lucky...my fiance got some dry track time i was very surprised that it stayed somewhat dry yesterday...we watched the radar in the morning and it was all green...
  4. you're welcome...microsoft word lets you mess with the clipart to change how dark it is...i use it all the time....a mix of word and paint i'd love to work with photoshop, but it's too fancy...too many options
  5. more like this? http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/Untitled-3.jpg
  6. this is a much cooler car http://www.loti.com/carwash.gif
  7. awesome video and bonus that there's a mazda in it
  8. our car isn't low at all compared to that and we have issues scraping at entrances to places even when we do enter at an angle...crazy...
  9. i've watched those lottery winner tv shows and it's true and it completely blows my mind.... of course i'd run out and blow some money if i won that much, but within reason! i'd still make sure to keep some money to live on!
  10. this sounds like it is going to suck soooo much! but i'll still watch at least one episode
  11. you should get them! we have 225's on our car
  12. i need to get up earlier to attend one of these....i could use some type of coffee drink right now
  13. i have to attest that these dunlops are good tires...we have some on our car
  14. just saw this message on facebook....thought maybe some of you might be interested! Nelson Ledges Road Course I know this is late notice BUT.. I'll put a FunDay on the schedule for Saturday April 24, 2010 if I get enough Interest and if the weather holds. So contact me kerrielane@aol.com if you'd like a FunDay that Saturday. And remember to check back to see if the day is a go or not.
  15. your car already comes built to be fast...turbo and such we can take our time building our suspension, motor, etc and we eventually plan on getting a supercharger....so we are building it for what we like to do...instead of buying a car that already has this stuff done to it....to us it is more fun to work on our car than to just buy it that way
  16. yes they run 16's ...but we have no plans to drag race our car because we don't want to be that hard on our car for such a short period of time
  17. this is fucking lame...i'm going to go eat and get on with my life
  18. good for you....our car was much cheaper, though, and is still fun...plus we get to build it the way we want instead of just buying the car already built
  19. well i can't find the same dyno....so sorry....it was just an example of another na 3 threads like this are why i dislike the columbus car scene...no one is nice to other people...you all shit talk like crazy...everyone is so stuck up about how awesome they are and how much better they are than everyone else....blah blah blah, my sti is faster than your mazda 3...so what!? what does that prove? just that you have a faster car or that you make more hp...Whoop Dee Doo!!! we got this car to haul kids, groceries and other things...we like the interior and the styling of the car...it goes fast enough for us and we can run it on the track on the weekends....it's slow, but gets us where we are going while getting almost 40mpg...end of story...
  20. i guess to put our dyno into perspective compared to another 3, here's another dyno of someones car....has some of the same mods as us, but we have a lot more done...this has the before and after the reflash....we don't have an after yet of our reflash to compare it to, though http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t32/sagexp/DynoRun.jpg
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