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Everything posted by Squidward

  1. I'm pretty sure that Doc owns one or more of those.
  2. i saw this thing in person the other day, its very clean.
  3. I think i know the guy selling this.
  4. You need to come out to a Saturday meet.




  5. My brother has a b18c Spec R NOT the b18c5 american motor, and was looking for tips on adjustments anyone has done or has advice to tuning to get a little more power out of it. I know there's quite a few honda people on here so I thought I'd post something for him. Thanks.
  6. Read the stickys and try again.
  7. Seen the car quite a few times, and its extremely clean. Hate to see you sell it, but good luck Packie.
  8. Hopefully ill finally make it to one. Sad it took me to the last one of the year, but ill be there.
  9. To be completely honest, they are really generic with the exception of a few like the century, supra, some celicas catch my eye, the hilux' and a few more over seas. But i just love mine because its my first car and ive been trying to kill it and it wont die. Says something for quality, 290xxx+ and i beat the shit out of it daily.
  10. Toyota wins. End thread
  11. DERP is known world wide, why should i be ashamed of that?
  12. Youre not helping the white trash idea by spelling tomorrow incorrectly
  13. Everybody who saw this clip needs to youtube the alive day memories and watch all six parts, its an amazing documentary.
  14. Its cool, Im trying to help him sell it but now i think im gonna buy it and rally it in our woods
  15. One of my friends has a '92 Cavalier Wagon for $500.
  16. Denise Milani + Trampoline = Win indeed
  17. This got to me, I respect every person who has ever served their country.
  18. Rob, why are you sleeping with cats?
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