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Everything posted by felixdarican

  1. i consider myself a democrat, although both have their pros and cons. emphasis on the cons. i feel like a lot of the general public aismisinformed and under educated on what is really going on in the political arena today.
  2. kindve ruined my day when i got the news. he was relatively young also
  3. that just made it on my dream car list
  4. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f158/CKY321/20120812_194218.jpg
  5. smile and laugh as much as possible, life is too short to be in a bad mood all the time
  6. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f154/babyangel47/z32/M3s.jpg
  7. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/622567_306011736163352_575549522_o.jpg
  8. probably the same way kids are doing it today. i'd have a show on mtv and multiple arrests. :lolguy:
  9. thats awesome. i wish i had one of those when i was growing up.
  10. http://espn.go.com/sports/soccer/mls/story/_/id/8235814/kirk-urso-dies-22-year-old-midfielder-mls-columbus-crew no one deserves to die that young.
  11. world war z is a great book, i just finished it. anything written by dean koontz, harlen coben, or james patterson is good also
  12. it will look better when you lower it. not sure how i feel about the wheels though
  13. we sell a lot of monroe shocks where i work. very rarely do we get a defected shock or a complaint. they make great stuff
  14. i demand more pics this instant. im a sucker for a well done fd
  15. repost. this is old news. also, my parents wouldve killed me if i did even half of what he did
  16. lmfao. please tell me thats fake. disney cant be that stupid
  17. i want to own one of these before i die. competition orange is one of the three colors i prefer also. great pics
  18. so which has happened first, the "stig" actually being drivable, or JuicedH22 taking over the world?
  19. so which has happened first, the "stig" actually being drivable, or JuicedH22 taking over the world?
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