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Everything posted by felixdarican

  1. thats bad ass. have you taken it to the track recently?
  2. he must have just got done watching gran torino. that was terrible shooting though.
  3. i wouldnt mind seeing more pics or a vid of the tt 458
  4. the knee did leave me scratching my head, but honestly it was a good stoppage. if sonnen felt like it was stopped to soon, or if he felt that he had been robbed, he wouldve complained right away. he looked and acted like a defeated man.
  5. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/290047_443599762326893_350667680_o.jpg
  6. is that a nova or a nasa space shuttle. i can hardly tell the difference. that thing sounds so mean
  7. i lol'd when dwiggs told jamie this: "Also, claiming that I have some how 'stolen' or 'defrauded' a company is an accusation that's way above your pay grade." If he really is spending all this money on a pipe dream car and shop, he'll be as broke as me in 3 years time.
  8. i found another pic of the red one http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f154/babyangel47/cars%20n%20coffee/frs.jpg
  9. that model a they did was sweet. its a good show so far.
  10. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/562247_10150937744493260_444897273_n.jpg also. 2jz swap already in the works in japan http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/480543_407151979335094_988948573_n.jpg
  11. i love that color, but those wheels have got to go.
  12. this is one of the dumbest stories ive ever hear. who falls for that?
  13. i love this build. hopefully you get to 1k hp!
  14. that is awesome. the bike looks great too.
  15. agreed. i like seeing what people can come up with, and how they get it ll to work/fit together.
  16. good luck finding who did it and retrieving your stuff. getting robbed is one of the worst feelings ever.
  17. sorry for your loss. the only time i saw my dad cry was when we had to put our 7 year old spaniel down. its one of the toughest things i ever went through, they really are a part of the family.
  18. i think mcdonalds has the best coke. then again im hefty so mcdonalds can do no wrong in my eyes.
  19. based off of your build thread, if i was in columbus, id take my car to you.
  20. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/527696_484088391605285_2028200652_n.jpg found a set of plates at a swap meet
  21. ill just leave this here http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/542545_10150932867368260_1448883906_n.jpg
  22. if anyone can do it, its accelerated performance. everything that comes out of there never ceases to amaze me
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