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Everything posted by felixdarican

  1. http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt289/felixdarican/Mobile%20Uploads/photo_zpsbf06c030.jpg
  2. Versa is ok. Drove one 200+ miles a day at my old job. I vote Mazda 3 or corolla
  3. Took me to a clip of vlads supra scaring a cat
  4. Mother of god. What numbers did you get with the old turbo?
  5. buscher is starting to develop parts for the focus st
  6. http://slaymyboredom.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/concentration.jpeg?w=580
  7. there might be a honda accord or civic in youre future
  8. great article and interesting read. never knew about those diesel dragsters until now. keep up the good work!
  9. http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt289/felixdarican/camarocrcalender.jpg
  10. timken is the only brand i would trust. where i work at the next best brand after timken is GMB, followed by our house brand.
  11. makes me wish i lived in columbus.
  12. that was a hell of a save at the end by the driver of the nova, and a heads up slam on the breaks by the other guy. that couldve been bad. great video
  13. did he even let out? looks like he tried to get back in it then lost it.
  14. yes actually, its pork that they dont eat. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSW7Z7RFigN6PeLb3yarOJ3OcKjU4OVXgZtyGBrReqc8o4sk_94bg
  15. ive been working out since mid july. my start weight was 305. im down to 273 now. i figured that since im going to be 21 in a few months it was time for some life changes.
  16. great pass! definitely goes faster when you keep it on the ground.
  17. would smash, but i wonder what she looks like without make up. some of these asian chicks look scary without all of the bondo
  18. that thing looks ghetto as hell. did they really cut into the rear bumper like a bunch of ricers?
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