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Everything posted by a7x1990

  1. heres one of my favorites, Aerosmith- Janies Got a Gun
  2. I Might be up for this, im sure my friend will be defiantly up for this. heres my info. 6" 200-210(been a while since i last weighed in) i have martial arts experience but i have boxed a few friends.
  3. a7x1990

    WTB a couch

    there was a guy giving away a blue recliner couch. reclines at both sides.
  4. damn. im to slow on a good deal once again. owell. if no one sells it ill see if i can buy it. bet you dont want a 360 for trade plus cash do ya?
  5. a7x1990


    i have a katanaII if you want it. ill call sprint and see if they still support it. ill let you know.
  6. i like those black pair and the first pair. ill let you know if im going to get them. also ill ask a few guys at my work that might want them.
  7. now you have me wandering on if i should go through with paying this guy... he seems legit but a picture doesnt say everything. heres a link of my purchase. what do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170445848562 and i dont mean to thread jack, i had a few problems like this before but the seller re shipped another item like it so...
  8. yaaaaa remind me to play the lottery so i can gtfo of this city. i have the same feeling towards city plow fags, not once in this past 2 weeks or even more has one plow came down our road. its so bad the snow has finally compacted so its all ice. and right once i come home im waiting behind this damn plow to clear our road and all he did was throw salt down omg am i so angry. he had a damn plow! :doh:
  9. a7x1990

    I Love CL.

    LMAO, you get a 5 star rating for that one...
  10. a7x1990


    i know you would have had to shovel it but you should of thrown it all back where he just cleared. would of been some funny stuff.
  11. thats why i want it he can just sit outside my front door. like that. kinda like the Indian statues. but this would be real whos the idiot that ran into the pole.
  12. What east side are you on? the east side of columbus around me got more then a dusting...
  13. i dont think the whole snowboard, fair, and bmx thing would work that well. since it is a whole different aspect of the project. if it does work than thats pretty cool, but it would be a great home for Nopi, HIN, IFO, Formula Drift and even the goodguys. ect....
  14. i believe he deserves to be smacked... What a waste of a good car... Id like to take one off his hands since hes not a "Car" guy...
  15. anything new about this? i missed the WOSU Voice support, is there anything herd of a said public meeting? at the capital building or what?
  16. Maybe you guys have herd this already but for those that havent, Jeff Gordon plans to turn the old Cooper Stadium into a paved 1/2 mile track with an automotive school attached to it. heres some more details: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2010/01/29/COOPER_STADIUM_USE.ART_ART_01-29-10_B1_13GEIGU.html?sid=101 what do you guys think about this?
  17. Not real sure if you know this, probably do but those are not the stock rims,, the stocks are ugly, i want a lip on mine, and yes im lowering it, i got a kit picked out, just need to buy it.
  18. if you concider a pt as a mini van go for the GT. LOL then i wont be the only one.
  19. i drive something close to an SRT4 but not quite.. same motor just reworked. but thats me......
  20. you stole the words right out of my mouth... i don't know how well this would help but maybe put a rounded cap on the top of the track? that way you will eliminate some wind resistance/drag including some cross winds that might occur, and reduce the likely hood of another horrific accident like this in the future, it would be just like your in a tube. and as by others, and including be before it would be a shatter proof Plexiglas/lexan cap. they should atleast put a big fence around it like at NASCAR tracks. if not the cap.
  21. we'll be seeing skating rink glass on those tracks now.... dont know much about the sport but it seems he didn't straighten out soon enough. this really sucks. hope hes in peace now.
  22. I might try this... see what i can do...
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