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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. lol. wow. well, then i stand corrected. i am a pussy.. i don't like broken bones... haha
  2. until you lay that bike down and hit the pavement. i thought the same thing. the ground is unforgiving. SIIICK bike though! i love the way they look, but I will never ride one again.
  3. never saw a in-cabin turbo setup. interesting....
  4. this one had lambo door on it. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs024.snc1/4266_1090962832668_1184415665_30249541_5223727_n.jpg
  5. youth is fun. u are getting old. lol i am going to be 30 this year, and I know how you feel.
  6. http://www.lolverticals.com/files/2010/04/vertical-pulp-fiction-aspirins.jpg
  7. http://cdn.wg.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/snooki.gif
  8. http://www.rikomatic.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/04/24/goldmember_1280x960.jpg
  9. 04silvrz

    wth guys

    don't come here if you don't like it. that makes sense. but if you have close to 4,000 posts. i would say you are quite fond of this place.
  10. oops. i was half asleep when i wrote that. lol yeah, ok. Enjoy your new 360!
  11. i have an old school 360, it has never RROD. EVER. in 3 years.
  12. no doubt. i spend money on dumb shit sometimes, but i don't spend money on dumb shit I already have. i suppose it could be justified if u are one of those uber crazy professional gamer dudes. if that's your thing then, i guess that's different.
  13. this all seems silly. trading a working xbox for another xbox that does the same exact thing. and spend money on that? u must have money to burn, u can give me some if ya want to waste it...
  14. LMAO. i don't care who ya are, that's some ugly shit. http://image.automobilemag.com/f/miscellaneous/heide-helps-dodge-challenger-sport-charger-daytona-plymouth-superbird-looks/28618979+w750+st0/dodge-challenger-with-daytona-conversion-front.jpg
  15. u have been here since 2005, how do you not know the rules?
  16. nice intro. welcome!
  17. 265 will fit, with some brands. not all.
  18. let me know when you are ready to sell that truck.
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