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Everything posted by paint-princess

  1. yea that area is pretty bad for that kinda shit. i've had windows busted out of my car and my girfirend had her 400$ system took from her's and it was in the middle of the day too. and you know someone had to of seen it as many people are around. i never went back.
  2. were goin to cornfed reds about 10 ish pool and beer.. and im pretty sure the bar in back survs wings..
  3. http://i718.photobucket.com/albums/ww181/peaches_sweet5/28382_10150185432160626_690345625_1.jpg http://i718.photobucket.com/albums/ww181/peaches_sweet5/28798_10150182940705626_690345625_1.jpg http://i718.photobucket.com/albums/ww181/peaches_sweet5/28798_10150183042580626_690345625_1.jpg
  4. welcome =] and yes ima newb 2 and YES im saying welcome.
  5. people just need to lighten up. but if i have to take my shirt off.. because its has a flag on it. then indian's need to take the dot off there head and arabic's need to take off there head dresses. same thing isnt it? a way to show where your from.
  6. no. trust me .. habitaul more then gets the job done.
  7. no i dont need attention and like habitual said it was asked so i answerd and im on guy forum not for guys cuz all the 1's on here are dicks anyway im on it b.c i went to TD and met most of the ppl off of here and they told me i needed to join. so i did.. plus i like cars have been around cars my whole life. and i dont fuck other girls cuz i want attention i fuck girls cuz i like girls.
  8. just cuz i put princess dont mean i need attention ppl need to quit reading into shit so much lol
  9. thats... alotta butt lol i gotta big but, but good gawd.. and yes i know i spell things wrong.. i guess thats what i get for skipping english =] my dad cant spell nuthen either. his junk box is spelled JUNCK ...lol
  10. lol you guys crack me up.. yall silly but no those tittes are def. 2 big.. like i said i wanna play and motor boat... not smuther and die
  11. i like me some boobies but a set thats gunna smuther me... im def. good on that... good set of DD is nice
  12. id do her.. shes really really pretty.. but on her show.. shes a 2 faced bitch. and thats a major turn off
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