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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. walked ha ha next time i will put your extra weight to work with a camera to see this so called walked
  2. fucked up! less than a car before i ran out of gear and when u started to pull i was completely unaware we were going to race. so you left way before me i was still in 5th gear in witch case i still pulled on u before i doped it in 4th. next one needs to be set up and again un tuned carb but no spinning and less than 5 hours of seat time. that said nice ride yo it is verrry unsuspecting
  3. When it spools|? I don't have that kind of time to wait on a e bay turbo
  4. Wow 3 days of being trolled and you snap I will try to be out before your bed time tonight
  5. Don't be upset soon you will be on the butthurt side
  6. here is one to get you started http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://rookery.s3.amazonaws.com/946000/946002_e697_625x1000.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.worth1000.com/contests/4063/alternate-materials-3/4&usg=__KXFPDD-pncZqumyuIkRiTk3qres=&h=616&w=624&sz=123&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=zbnWc08KXLQJdM:&tbnh=167&tbnw=196&ei=LVheTcjHDpCdgQefyaiuDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwooden%2Bnickel%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D517%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C796&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=603&oei=BVheTajdMIWclgejkr3fCw&page=3&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:18&tx=158&ty=68&biw=1024&bih=517
  7. The reason you didnt run a stock rx7 is because you couldn't even catch up with me to start the run As Paul would say Get sum
  8. i was out remember the tail lights way ahead of you since you did not choose one of the options i decide number 2 1:we race 2:you loose by bus lengths 3:you pay me 4:Paul gets to tea bag you
  9. here is how it will happen 1: we race 2: you lose by bus lengths 3: you pay me 4: you get permaban or 1: we race 2: you lose by bus lengths 3: you pay me 4: paul gets to tea bag you
  10. Obviously the car is slow seeing as pual raped it. there is no reason for me to do any thing with it and now the tires are dirty that said the above listed car is for sale Lol. Before you leave pual I will give you another shot at it but you will need more than a neon
  11. Mjrsplat vs major_Payne and just for a poke at FNF loser GTFO of CR
  12. So pual got lucky one time and thinks he is king shiznit
  13. new up date heater is inish for now
  14. im not going spin a cam until you beat patter$on http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/yougonnagetraped.jpg
  15. Ya I seen it in there last night but at that point I was to tired to change it As to the grinning no it was much more of a clenched shiver quite cold brah It is. A mcnasty 60 to 120 though
  16. no need for bow ties here Hay your rims look like evo wheels is it evo powered?
  17. Me patter$on and bdazgsx got the rear back in.thanks for the help patter$on as for bdazgsx 3 hours of driveway trolling was more than enough. so me and james took it out on 270 to test it out. only one word can describe it "hellafun". at first we had a 09 si staring us down but it son realized it didnt want none as i down shifted.but sure enough a we trolled a civic hatch. grabbed 3rd and away we went. pulled 14-15 lengths on him before i let off. found out the turn signals are not working hopfuly turborust may know whats causing that if so please let me know im thinking it might be the switch
  18. its not even factory the only ones i could find were 82-83 i am going to swap the axles as for the lincoln lock ill skip on that. im just going to drive it nice and easy untill i get the 8.8 ready to go under it. then we will see some real damage to the newish stock rear just before i change it. hopefully it will be a much larger hole/twisted drive shaft either way it will be epic
  19. as said before it was making noise before i left. with no plate or insurance no i did not play with my new toy. the broken case i'm pretty sure was me from when it lock up and i forced it to keep going. after pulling it apart tonight and seeing every thing i would say the noise i was hearing was the center pin working its way out so no mater what it was it was on its last leg. the final straw was it getting lodged and me giving it more throttle to get it in a parking spot. as you said you beat on it pretty hard the last time you drove it which could have started the center pin being that it wasn't far you probably didnt here it as it was only a faint noise until i got on 71. yes it sucks but it will be moving again tomorrow hopefully.
  20. The problem is not that i bought the car or that he is giving me $100. The problem is that i was told it was a good rear end for the time being. i knew it would have to be changed before the end of summer.i was told it was good and nothing was wrong as i said. Before i left the parking lot were the car was it was making noise and was chalked up to the muffler hitting some ware or something before i could get it some ware to look at it. It locked up and no there was no hard driving only to find out there was history of the rear end being broke. Also the rear is more like $250 and i cant even find a 84-85 only 82-83 if you know were i can get it cheaper please let me know. moving forward i only want to talk about forward progress of the car
  21. so for a buying a car with no problems known about this is what i find http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86281&page=2
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