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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. The issue wasn't there.. As my parts were sitting in my house waiting to be installed. So it was running 100%.. K&N Intake, Magnoflow exhaust, and a canned 89 octane MPG tune. Nothing else was done yet. I still dont have proof that its running as it should, but it feels more responsive after I found the timing chain tensioner shot..
  2. Mine was stock when we raced. Intake, exhaust.
  3. Sorry I dont typically eat taco bell at 9am :gabe:
  4. Thats where I'll be at hopefully.. Same as last year.
  5. Dumb question, but have you checked the key fob battery with a volt meter?
  6. Finished basement with 3 vents, all 3 closed. Upstairs has 5 vents all only cracked open. 2nd floor has all fully opened. That dropped our upstairs temps 5 degrees. Basement is still 62 ish. First floor is always 69-72. 2nd floor is 73-75. Leaving fan ON instead of auto also helped circulate air upstairs.
  7. Unfortunatly, I dont have the cash flow to have it inspected. If it was broke for good, It would be sold or sit in the case for months until I can afford to do anything with it. Seems to be working great now. After a master reset, full battery, and empty memory card. I did have like 2500 photo's on my 8gb memory card..
  8. Thanks everyone for the help. I really appreciate it.
  9. Yeah im not sure. It just randomly started doing it during that first storm we had. I was trying to snap some photo's.. I did a quick snap of bella on the couch, and it doesnt look anything near what they did earlier.. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/bellatired.jpg
  10. Nikon 18-55 and Nikon 55-200
  11. Charged the battery, got another memory card (empty 4gb) formatted it. Also hit the hard reset button. Seems to be working correct now..
  12. Thanks, figured it wasnt worth much.. The 38, from what I am finding may have been a police gun..
  13. Sorry Tim, I know what your saying but I'm not seeing shit. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/5fb54d4f.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/85326bc0.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/b941621f.jpg
  14. It is about 60 photo's from being full... but I have maxed it out before without issues.. 8GB
  15. I must be blind because I checked all the doors and no slot for battery..
  16. All I see is the giant nikon battery that goes in the bottom.. It is about 50% left.. Ill charge it and see if it changes..
  17. I'll be out at 161/71 area friday and saturday night.
  18. I always shoot in Fine mode, with LARGE 3872x 2592 size photo's.. All of that is the same.. Iso is 100
  19. Nooo, I zoomed in to show you what it looks like. Zoomed out, right after I snap the photo thats what it looks like. But its hard for my phone to take a picture of that to show you. Even in auto mode it does it.. But If I try flash (Dark inside) It doesnt do it.. I have a feeling I have a setting screwed up somehow..
  20. firmware on camera says A) 1.00 and B) 1.00 Even with the wrong exposure / fstop settings it has never looked like this..
  21. I bought the camera used, so Ill have to google the firmware stuff.. I wouldnt think that it would randomly start doing this though? The picture I took of the camera is zoomed in to show how bad it is, zoomed out my phone cant capture what im seeing. But the entire picture looks like that.. Like im taking a picture through a screen door or something..
  22. Brian is taking the tent, I can bring the tips to C&C saturday.
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