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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. But your main concern with leaving GM is not having enough work. Your going to have that anywhere you go. I would rather go to carmax than another dealer. Paid hourly
  2. It's not Byers, but myself and my wife are 100% happy that I left the auto world. Maybe you should think outside the box and work on different stuff.
  3. Pay increase is always good. You know you will be at the bottom of the food chain though. Fighting for scraps after the gravy jobs are handed out.
  4. A couple pieces of equipment that we have ready to go for this winter. Oshcosh snow brooms, blowers, and Sweepster super brooms with 20' plows on each side. Also have 22' wide big plows, international trucks with plows. Around 40 of ours fleet pick up trucks all have spreaders and plows also. Most have 4wd and 4 wheel steering. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/62DBDB64-17CC-4750-AE96-5A105D3A983D-4050-000003C9258C63A3.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/1B37F9F0-89F0-48BF-977D-04294D656E77-4050-000003CA0C7148FE.jpg
  5. In snow removal mode at the airport. All equiptment is ready for some slush.
  6. So this is not the kitchen either.. Lots of troll posts. You going to delete them and infract?? Maybe you should start infracting the OP.
  7. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/AB0C0431-38C3-4AD3-9C60-DF5B22AA840D-3159-000002B261DE1557.jpg
  8. Sounds good. Bet it hauls! Boost ftw
  9. I mean I know they're small from the get go. But he is sitting in the middle. How In the hell do you make a tiny car, smaller?
  10. Yeah that is a little much. I'm looking to build a "hidden" or "built in" type of safe. Like the bookshelf moves type.
  11. Now I wish I would have caught back up with him to get better pictures. Or tried to get him to stop. I want more info!!
  12. http://columbus.craigslist.org/spo/3485442028.html
  13. X2. I understand the circumstances. But she must have some sort of price in mind. Myself and a friend are interested. But do not want to show up and be blown out of the water.
  14. Guess its time to buy reloading supplies
  15. There is a tattoo thread somewhere with pics/ names.
  16. I would sell it as is. And get something you actually like to put money into.
  17. Passed this on my way home. It was so small I didn't see it in time, so I had to slow down to get a better look. Geo metro, with a amphibious front end?? The car was half the width of normal. The rear wheels looked 3' apart. The guy was driving from the center. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/A83D2867-F831-4065-BDCE-BECE15C17D68-2465-000002B2AC25C4C4.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/9A72EBF6-3119-46E7-90B3-3876EFE9F0CD-2465-000002B2B089CAC9.jpg
  18. When I was in the market 6 months ago, I got sent to him. He wouldn't return emails, text, or phone calls. I ended up going to skin deep in Reynoldsburg.
  19. "D'oh!" I could have swore that was diesel vs diesel. Oh well. Still funny he drug his ass all over the place.
  20. Got some photo's, or more info on bikes or your daily driver? Welcome
  21. It's sitting still??? He is under the truck taking a video.
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