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Everything posted by superstangOH

  1. ok ok ok.. This could go back and fourth all day. Get on the website and read a little, they said the race ran over due to all the catastrophic failures from the imports... There were a few domestics that broke but not so much. Like i said i have a friend that went to the race he witnessed the massacre that went down. There are 1000 post on yellowbullet about this race dont take my word for it read it somewhere else. At this level of racing the domestic will always win it has 4 more cylinders. It takes them half the effort to go fast. I am not argueing about this im a fan of both sides.. Conversation over
  2. Yes i will be taking them off.. I have another set that i bought from a buddy they are fresh from the machine shop where they checked out good.. All i did was paint them black.. You can find them for $300 most of the time but by the time you take them somewhere and have them looked at your gonna have another $200 in them.. Ill do $400 on these thats about what i have in them.. http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k579/superstangOH/2-1.jpg
  3. I helped with a 4g63 starlet in florida last year.. 70mm precision on it with some wheelie bars went 9.80s.. Had alot more in it but it kept unloading the tires on the bars.... It was at 16lbs of boost car could easily take 25-30lbs.. The test and tune days in tampa are like 90%puertorican 8%black and 2% white people so you could only imagine how many starlets there were.
  4. I have less than $3000 in my car..It runs in the 11's and the motor breaks at 500hp.. What more can i say..lol I never said the motor was bullet proof just saying most 4 bangers are junk but with $10,000 you might have a nice car... Like i said i have had them both and i really am not hating on either.. Truce lol
  5. I may not have hands but i got heart
  6. True... I have had both my last car was a 4g63 with 400hp... loved the car but it broke all the time..Now i have a mustang and i beat the shit out of it and it never breaks.. I was simply stating that you guys were making it sound like imports were running shit and that was not the case at all... There were some ass woopins given out on both sides but more domestic than import...
  7. These ricers only see what they want... THE IMPORTS GOT THERE ASS'S HANDED TO THEM... Dont get me wrong i like anything thats fast but you guys are talking about starlets and spray just save your money and buy a stock 302 it will be faster and cheaper...lol :bangbang:
  8. Finishing up my build and im looking for a set of alum heads.. This is a budget buld car so not looking to spend $1000 but i dont mind to pay for a nice set of heads... I ran gt40p's last year so looking to change my set up a little... The heads will be going on a stock 302 with a supercharger... send prices and pics to joshengle@yahoo.com
  9. Good raceing all around import or domestic
  10. Your crazy the guy who helps me with my car raced and said they were catching on fire all weekend... Domestic for the win
  11. Do any of you guys sell any blu ray's? ill take some if so
  12. Please send pics to joshengle@yahoo.com.. looks dont matter but if i can get something that looks better for cheap ill take it lol
  13. I posted this on yellow bullet last week.. great video
  14. $1500 i get them 2 times a year. Chest,abdomin,pelvic
  15. Looking for a set of 15in mustang wheels.. Has to be a 4lug and ill take them.. It doesnt matter what they look like im useing them for track rims
  16. I get 34mpg and i paid 500$ for my toyata camry.. Its a 89 but she is a runner lol
  17. I know of a few places where you could get a few runs in as long as you didnt act like a dumb ass and do a bunch of ricer burn outs...Thats what kills good spots.. I think the marion grudge nights would be a better idea but some street action is always fun.. What nights do they do the grudge nights?
  18. Looking for a 8rib 8in crank pulley for my vortech set up. please email pics or pm me joshengle@yahoo.com
  19. So when are we setting something up... Ill have my shit together
  20. Also i would like to include i have only been to this track one time..Im not a weekend warrior or a regular at this track by no means.. I donated my money for helping out the cause.. Its people like you who are dragging this sport down..
  21. You are clearly just talking shit.. I bet you dont even own a car and if you do you dont go to the track with it.. How about there car count wasnt high enough to earn enough money to repave the track.. Can that be a possible? If you really want to start complaining about are goverment and how they spend there money start a new thread cause this one has nothing to do with it..
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