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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I would have dragged him out of his car grand theft auto style.
  2. I definitely had a good time, thanks for the invite Doc.
  3. congrats, maybe now the srt will actually get driven.
  4. I may be in if I don't end up going to another costume party.
  5. Sorry for ya if you're butthurt, I don't see anything posted out of line here. People make those comments on cr constantly. Coming from me, I didn't think the comment would be taken seriously. As far as your comment about posting pics of my girl, I don't have to, everyone else on this site does for me LOL. Am I upset about it? Not even a little bit. I'm also not one to argue that I post some useless shit on here, but I also put in my $.02 when it's necessary and try to offer helpful advice. At any rate, I have not a single issue with anyone on here who's met me, so that being said I'm not about to try to call you out, fight you, meet at bw3 or what the hell ever over some shit posted on the internet that you seem to be butthurt about. If you're pissed off that's your problem, like I said before there IS an ignore list, feel free to ignore me.. It won't hurt my feelings even a little bit, I promise.
  6. As far as survival in the given situation goes, I think it's funny everyone is saying to run for the rural areas. What happens when those areas become overcrowded because of mass amounts of people have the same idea you did? I'd rather prepare at my current location, you're going to stand a better chance fighting out through tough times in an area you know well. that being said, in my eyes the key to preparedness Includes not only weapons and supplies, but a trustworthy crew to stick with you and a secure household. A bomb shelter/ safehouse / fortress would be Ideal to keep unwanted people out, but realistically any secured area will do. give me motion activated floodlights, barbed wire, bars on windows, steel doors, plenty of weapons, ammo, food, and a few trustworthy crew members and I'd stay right where I'm at.
  7. Want simple logic? If you don't like what I post, put me on your ignore list. :dumb: Whining and bitching isn't going to change anything now is it?
  8. need you to shut your whore mouth.
  9. No originality needed sir, simply logic.
  10. mustangs arent a very good platform for drifting. might as well do the same as everyone else and get a 240. theyre easy to come by and cheaper than dirt.
  11. So if everyone agreeing with you is automatically worthless, I guess we can just assume you're pretty worthless as well. Sorry for you. :fa:
  12. tl;dr. I remember when you used to be a troll Gabe. One day you snapped, and started a mutiny among trolls, causing your troll card to be revoked. Now, you're just a sad empty shell of a man with no trollmobile, and a big bag of excuses. Butthurt Gabe is butthurt. :fa:
  13. http://files.sharenator.com/im_coming_at_u_bro_the_post_of_reposts-s580x435-231182.jpg I'm not even mad, I feel bad for you. I'm still waiting for your liver to self destruct Like Chris's Rear end did the day he bought the RX-7. You're like a wounded dog, you need to be put out of your misery. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=613&pictureid=4897 O HAI GUIZ I'M BUZY GETTIN DRUNK BCUZ IM SO DEPRESSED ABOUT MY LIFE AND FIXIN IT IS 2 HARD. As I've stated before, it seems you suffer from quite a few real life issues, I seriously pity the way you use alcohol as your only coping device. Get help. http://www.aacentralohio.org/news.php
  14. Can I try it in your car first? I just want to make sure everything goes as planned. :masturboy:
  15. be paul, know nothing. :dumb:
  16. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkjpao9ls01qahhxwo1_500.jpg
  17. I literally just made the face that Urkel is making in your sig. :fuuuu:
  18. He lied about his age, he's clearly a terrorist. I vote permaban. http://files.myopera.com/AMGala/albums/200326/banned_permabanned.gif
  19. http://i539.photobucket.com/albums/ff351/Taekwon111_2008/RonaldSlap.gif
  20. Rhett = Fuckinglittlebitch. I'm Rooting for TEAM GNOME. :fuckyeah:
  21. Here, he can have this trophy. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/th_0412011921.jpg
  22. YOU JUST WON THE INTERNET Fixed. :dumb:
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