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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. It's probably time to change your intake gaskets.
  2. They should work even better now. :masturboy:
  3. 1 Set up tent, days in advance. 2 Allow hobo to sleep there in exchange for food 3 kick hobo out 30 mins before opening 4??????? 5 profit
  4. I personally like the plates before the red white and blue bullshit. I say we go back to that.
  5. I stopped by to take a look at it when I seen it out on the way back from doc's place. It's definitely a good looking car in person.
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_J199z3sSEZc/TRJ-2ZTOKYI/AAAAAAAAABg/Hs_z5vnfumo/s1600/fast-food-fast-food-fries-wendys-hamburger-healthy-nasty-hor-demotivational-poster-1257187900.jpg
  7. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/Picture492-1-1.jpg :nws: http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/jameslovesdix-1.jpg
  8. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/5fe3ebd8.jpg 6BOLTLOL
  9. I found your oil issue. you forgot to put in a spark plug hole seal :dumb:
  10. Looks like I won't be out after all.. Little man is sick, so I'm staying in.
  11. I'll probably pick this up next week.
  12. Sorry for your loss, cats are great pets. Now hurry up and find a new friend at the pet store before the mice plan an attack on you.
  13. This is why I've always called the customer support number for the provider with the seller present to verify a good esn. They are now pretty strict with car sales. My ad wouldn't show up because I put photobucket linked pictures in it. I re made the ad and had to "verify" my account via text message. :fuuuu:
  14. mjrsplat


    Pics might help, GLWS
  15. These are not even a little bit funny. You suck. :fa:
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