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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. LOL I'm not disputing my worthless posts. I'm not butthurt about a broke dsm, and i dont chase down pubes. Reading comprehension fails you today sir.
  2. lol. None of what you said applies to me, I'm the stupid newb that has stupid threads that get shit on.. Get it right.
  3. mjrsplat


    LOL u got the wrong guy bud. I'm 6'2 and 180lbs. and yes im big enough to buy beer.
  4. i know a few jeep guys that might bite on this. do you have an email i could pass along to them?
  5. http://i51.tinypic.com/6ezmvl.jpg


    you have been busted sir.

  6. mjrsplat


    so you would spill it. thats a problem.
  7. mjrsplat


    maybe. are you any good at making sammiches and bringing me beer? lets say you were sucking me off something crazy during nascar while your wife sits on my face. if i put my beer on your head would you spill it?
  8. your pm's are full..



    btw nice supra bud, you're busted.

  9. I like your taste sir. i would +rep you if i could. You are the only person on this forum that could pull off jeep wheels on a vdub.
  10. mjrsplat


    lol. next time then.
  11. mjrsplat


    lulz. i dont smoke weed. beer is always plentiful around here though.. maybe i could bring a cooler out, and you can bring a recycling bin, we can kick it behind the garages. http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/King-Of-The-Hill-king-of-the-hill-613231_512_384.jpg
  12. mjrsplat


    haha. im too lazy for all that. like i said though, next time youre around, hit me up.
  13. mjrsplat


    Haha. i dont care about my lawn, he can only make it greener. and which neighbor? the one across the street, beside me, or behind me. across the street and behind me are pricks. i hope your dog shits on their doorstep. oh and if you get bored, feel free to stop by and say whats up. i dont have shit going on today.
  14. mjrsplat


    Thanks for the advice bud.
  15. how does that thread make me a hypocrite? shut the fuck up. he asked my opinion, i gave helpful advice, then followed with my opinion.. its a little different than my thread where i asked for someone to photoshop my wheels gunmetal or bronze and got photoshops of dick wheels and butthole wheels and all that retarded shit. @op, sorry this has strayed from the topic. as i stated before, gunmetal would look nice, but i wouldnt polish anything, it will make your rims look like they came from discount tire. http://www.discounttire.com/dtcs/wheels/konig/home.do?utm_source=Google%2BLocal&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%2BLocal&s_kwcid=TC|5864|konig%20rims||S|p|4245421706
  16. mjrsplat


    who's whining? sounds to me like the whining started about me. i could care less what people have to say about me.. wagner posted up that people are offering bribes to ban me, people are butthurt, i better not post anymore or i'll be banned, blah blah blah. i simply pointed out that im not the only one on here that shits in threads. all of my threads get shit in, do you see me bitching and trying to have people banned for it? no. shit did go over your head if you think i was whining, it went more like this. people were whining to wagner, wagner started whining about the whiners, i pointed out facts about the circle of life on cr. /thread.
  17. mjrsplat


    apparently shit went over your head. i havent acted any different than anyone else here. am i really supposed to believe i am the only person here who has been shitting in threads?
  18. all gunmetal. dark rims with polished parts look rice.
  20. mjrsplat


    LMAO. i didnt edit my post, just like you didnt edit yours. it would show up at the bottom of the post. good try though, i enjoy a good laugh.
  21. mjrsplat


    who said i was upset? not me. you seem like a funny guy, i look forward to meeting you.
  22. bronze or gunmetal. IMO i would go toward gunmetal.
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