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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat


    doesnt matter. patter$on refuses to complete my parts, or answer my pm. this thread is beat.
  2. mjrsplat


    punching bag? my life story. its been like that since day one on this site for me. glad to see you're doing your part to fit in, and shit on the noob's threads. i would +rep you, but i cant.
  3. mjrsplat


    run out of shit to say? thought so. :gtfo:
  4. mjrsplat


    no jokes. from day one if I tried to have a serious post here, I got shit on. I'm probably the most hated noob for 2011. why? because when i joined here, and people talked their shit, i had shit to say in return. people didnt like that. you said that yourself. am i blaming anyone? no. i'm just stating a fact, obviously people have had a problem with the way i act since day one, so why the hell would i take this place seriously when nobody takes ANYTHING i post seriously? i figure maybe once people meet me in person, maybe they will stop shitting in all my threads and flaming every post i make. until then, whats the point of taking this place seriously? i might as well hang out in the kitchen, seems to be where my threads and posts end up anyway.
  5. mjrsplat


    examples. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90205 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89299 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88882 see, I post topics and they get shit on. Since day one, everyone on this site has been hating on me and shitting in my threads. yeah you're probably right though, im the only person that doesn't take this site seriously.
  6. mjrsplat


    am I supposed to feel threatened? I dont. it's not my fault there is a bunch of butthurt people on this site that attack like wolves every time I post a thread. the kitchen/ romper room has been a place for bullshit and nonsense before i got here, we all know thats a fact. remove the bullshit forum, and the bullshit goes away. And as far as you getting annoyed by messages, thats part of being an administrator.. as soon as you ban me and people stop bitching about me, people will turn their focus to the next person to bitch about. Ban me if you wish, its not going to prove anything, and its not going to impact your website.
  7. mjrsplat


    hotlink fail? heres the pic you wanted to post. http://i51.tinypic.com/2vtslxt.jpg
  8. lol i didnt know you lived that close.. you could probably see my car from your apartment then. i know my car is pretty beat, i got it as a project. anyone who saw what it looked like when i got it will tell you its come a long way. it still has a long way to go.
  9. mjrsplat


    I pmed you yesterday about it.. if you really dont wanna do it, fine.
  10. Its the only video I could find.. nice car though, I saw it at the meet.
  11. http://images1.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/7204212/I-dont-always-start-dumb-threads-but-when-i-do-people-pick-on-chris.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Dos-Equis-Guy-gives-advice
  12. mjrsplat


    Im pretty sure Evolved8 offered you a hundred. just throwing it out there.
  13. mjrsplat


    NO. this is srs bzns gtfo.
  14. mjrsplat


    You get my parts done? i need that shit for race warz. put your rape glasses on and get to work. :bangbang: no homo.
  15. craigslist myspace adultfriendfinder
  16. for a price, id let you piss in the tank too.
  17. That looks like a good deal, GLWS
  18. this should make you feel better. Bring your wallet.
  19. true story.. i will bring the supra out regardless.
  20. i would wrap my whole supra. and my rims.
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