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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Trade for a Surface Pro 8 with docking station? I have over $800 in the setup...barely used. Like 15x times.
  2. Dude call Michael lol. He's weird as fuck but a killer electrician.
  3. If these trans problems keep up I won't have a choice. Me too...can't believe someone was dumb enough to think a car guy is that dumb. Forgot I had to spell everything out for all the extremely high IQ folks on CR.
  4. No, I need a 1G LSD. He could have stopped at "Manual 1G DSM LSD" and I'd be happy.
  5. Taking a break from all the sex and alcohol for a few minutes. Sue me. Oh wait, aren't you a traffic lawyer? Ha
  6. Bros. The responses in this thread are too fucking long. I'm laying on a beach in Cancun and don't want to read your PhD dissertations about a fucking transmission. Mike- congrats to your mom man, looks like she got a really nice car. Trey is the man.
  7. Fuck I wish this was for a FWD trans. I need one bad for the Colt.
  8. I didn't realize it was Uber (if it is). If so, I'm more okay with tipping. I guess I'm in the mindset that if I can get my ass up and go grab something, I'll just do it. I also don't do pizza delivery...maybe 1-2 times in my life. I'm capable of going to get it, so I do. What frustrates me is that I pay $100 a month (I don't get the student discount) and then have to pay for something else on top. When will the madness end? No different than some other fuck boi being pissed about tipping at a yogurt shop. I'm far from cheap and I tip AT LEAST 20% for good service, because I'm not capable of walking into a restaurant and being my own server.
  9. Umm, I don't pay a $100 a year fucking service fee for pizza delivery like I do for Prime. And I don't tip my Fedex driver when he brings me a package. Do you?
  10. Lame...you have to tip. I just put $21 worth of shit in my cart and it suggested $5.
  11. Zx2guy19


    100% make it move in ready. People don't want to fuck with scheduling carpet install while closing on a house and moving. OP- Lowe's charges for measurement too, not sure why they didn't this time. Both apply the cost to your bill, so if you go with them, it's a free measurement. They will NOT use each others measurements, you have to have it measured from the store that you go with (trust me, I tried, and have solid relationships with both Lowes and Home Depot, they're strict on it). Good luck man.
  12. Zx2guy19


    I've done carpet in every one of my rentals, and honestly the best places I've used are Home Depot or Lowes, pending whoever is running free install at the time. Get yourself a 10% off coupon from the post office (it's for Lowe's but HD accepts them). Expect to pay around $1.60 a sq ft for builder grade carpet with a good pad, INSTALLED. Just multiply that times your square foot for an estimate. I have searched far and wide for better deals, but you get into saving $25-$50 and running the risk of not dealing with a big box store, which will always make shit right if something goes wrong.
  13. Those were already on there...THERE'S STILL A CHANCE!!! :fa:
  14. Good God, those Focus wheels are the ugliest wheels I've seen in my life. Of course, your work looks awesome!
  15. Question for my brother-in-law: 1) Tons of cold calling, or are they pre-generated leads? 2) What is the base hourly wage?
  16. I saw one of these beasts (red) on Roberts Rd. Sunday. Seriously a gorgeous car...not a huge fan of the wheels, but good God the body lines are the car are gorgeous. I was heading the other way so I couldn't hear it (it was stopped)...loved it though.
  17. Problem with that is the car will sit there even longer...
  18. Standard size...something 18+ CU.
  19. Anyone have a rental quality refridgerator for sale? Not looking for anything fancy, just working and not a piece of shit. Let me know what you have!
  20. I'd say to have the guy notarize and send you the title, then you send the money. He has the car a thousand miles away and you have the title, with no trace of money movement (yet of course). He would win if you never sent the money, and you would win if he never sent the car (you could put title in to your name and show a trail of money).
  21. You ever have any issues with rabbits or anything eating your vegetation?
  22. Haha I'm glad you fucks are getting a chuckle at my expense. Again, I can't thank my wife enough for being such a good sport. I called her this morning on her way into work and she reiterated- no puke smell. I am honestly thankful I didn't die...could I have made it out the window? IDK- I woke up, turned to her and said "Do you have a bag?" She said no, and I threw up all over myself. Twice. I don't think I was coherent enough to even process what a window was. As I've said before...the image of me standing in front of my bathroom mirror, naked, with dried puke in my beard as I got into the shower, still drunk off my ass will forever be etched into my memory. I honestly looked like a ravenous animal that just ate another carcus.
  23. Thanks Doc! Bro's. Just went and took the ozone generator out. Seriously, what the fuck. It smells SIGNIFICANTLY better after only 2 hours. Going to do 2 hours again tomorrow night and then again Saturday. Unbelievable after only one treatment. I had my wife come out and smell and she couldn't believe it...still needs another round or 2 but this thing is unbelievable.
  24. Update: the gel thing linked earlier didn't do anything. Made her car smell like fresh puke haha. I got the ozone generator today and put it in for 2 hours (max time) and it's sitting the required 40 minutes now. Gonna do that a few times and hope it helps. So far, nothing has changed the smell.
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