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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Could be. I just find it awfully hard to believe the timing is that coincidental. I'm not a conspiracy person either...we continued to eat there through all the crap in the news, etc.
  2. I know a bunch of people are going to jump on Sully for saying that, but... My wife and I have gneo to Chipotle 2-3 times a week for the last couple years. It's hands down our favorite go-to place. The other day were excited to get a BOGO coupon, so of course we went. That was on a Friday- Saturday and Sunday my wife and I were both violently sick. We are done eating it for awhile, not taking any chances. It's not coincidence that it happened right after Chipotle- we both have already had the flu this year too, so it wasn't that.
  3. Lol no...if you use your imagination, the electric gray turns electric blue.
  4. I am kidding about the drive. It's more having to coordinate two cars and such because they can't do it in one day.
  5. Oooo...I want to race someone in the Colt. I need slicks though.
  6. Call Big 3 and Chuck was busy- supposed to call me back today. They knew you "very well". Sucks it's two hours away...after driving the car home from Cleveland I literally couldn't hear for like 24 hours, ha! Maybe they can do my exhaust while it's up there.
  7. I have a 2002 Chevy 1500 4x4 extended cab I could be swayed into selling. Runs great, new tires- the rockers are gone from rust. You can buy caps to put over them but since I use it for my rentals only, I never gave a shit.
  8. Thanks dude. I'll give him a call tomorrow
  9. Zx2guy19

    Move To Cali?

    Sorry, but the people here who are saying "do it, take a chance"...you're wrong. He's taking a chance on something that may get him a 1/2 step ahead, but he's turning his life around to do it. Yeah, I may live in Ohio the rest of my life but when I retire at 35 I can travel wherever I want. Living somewhere other than Ohio means literally nothing on the success scale. Got it- heading to a meeting now and I'll respond sometime today. Always happy to help.
  10. Alex is not currently taking new business. I'm about to glue a PVC pipe to each side of the car and call it a day.
  11. Zx2guy19

    Move To Cali?

    :dumb: That drives me up the wall when you say that. HR has little to nothing to do with it- especially if you're applying for jobs you're not qualified for- of course they're going to skip over you. If you want to make a career change, you have to develop the skills before you start arbitrarily applying to any job that peaks your interest. You think I'm making this shit up, but where has your approach gotten you since we met 6 months ago? You can continue to blame "the HR people", but the fact of the matter is, you're applying to jobs you aren't qualified for, and until you do something about that, you'll continue making posts about relocation, this job, that job, etc. I can start applying to CEO jobs, and when I don't get them, I don't blame anyone else but myself. In the last 6 years, I've applied to 7 jobs, interviewed at 6 and been offered 5. Do you know why? Because I'm applying to jobs I'm qualified for. I didn't apply to be an HR Director when I had 2 years of experience... The answer now becomes 100% no. Basically divide a California salary by 2 to 2.5 to get a Columbus salary (give or take a bit). If they're offering you 80k, that's like making 32k-40k, or $15-$18 per hour here.
  12. No one local can weld up a harness bar?
  13. I liked it- I see some posts that say you will post recipe but I don't see them. Don't tease me.
  14. Posting "No drunks or druggies" violates ADA lol. I'd take that off and just put it in your screening process. Here it doesn't matter, but if you have this posted other places you might get the long dick of the law.
  15. Yeah, I'm not trying to die haha.
  16. Thanks- I'd like someone a bit closer. The car is loud as hell and I couldn't hear for 2 days after driving it home from Cleveland. I got a quote from a local guy for $250 for the HB, $1000 for a cage good to 10.0 and $1500 for one good to 8.0. Are those decent prices? I've never had a cage before.
  17. Looking to have a cage or harness bar put into the 1990 Colt I just bought. The car will be running 10's, so ideally I'd like a cage, but realistically I'm not sure I want to sink the money into it right now. Currently, there are no seat belts so I need at the very least a harness bar ASAP. Anyone have referrals or someone here who can do it? Bonus if they can weld me up some brackets for my Sparco seats too.
  18. Your boy is coming over tomorrow to help. Thanks dude- he seems great.
  19. Lol, since I've never done it I don't know. How good is the guy? Tell him to text me at 614-309-2158.
  20. Thanks man. According to JP it's a 1 hour job...problem is, he lives 2.5 hours away, ha!
  21. I have only caught Lil Donut Factory open once...every time I go they're sold out, and I live a mile away! The one time I did go...fuck they're good.
  22. I bought JP's colt (see here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124169) and it needs an oil pump seal. That entails taking off the timing belt, which on an interference motor, I'm not comfortable with doing. I have the seal, I have every tool you can think of, and I am mechanically inclined- just looking for someone who has a done a 1G 6 bolt timing belt a couple times and feels comfortable helping me with it. At this point, the car does not drive- I lost a lot of oil on the way home and I want the car fixed before it moves again. Have money, will pay.
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