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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Kind of...I'd like something that makes a noise and notifies me/wakes me up in the event of a break in, but don't necessarily need it to monitor for me (call the police). So you don't have to do the $15 a month? Even so, that's not a bad price. Looks pretty straight forward too. What kit did you go with?
  2. Looking to cut monthly bills....I've been with AlarmForce (fucking LOL) for nearly 3 years and my contract is coming to an end. Probably one of the most worthless $1,000 I've ever spent (life of the contract cost). That said, I'd like to avoid a monthly fee, even if it means a $300-500 upfront cost. We live in a very nice neighborhood in Hilliard and have never had an issue, so this is for my wife's peace of mind. I own enough guns to protect ourselves if they break in while we're home, so this if more for when we're gone. Any one have experience with a non subscription based system that you'd recommend? So far, Canary seems to be the best option.
  3. Nice! For the record, some places do safety inspections during appraisals. Not sure why, as I had to remove safety bars from one house while doing a refinance/reappraisal, and put them back on after and wasn't brought up the next time I did it. These people play by their own rules unless you challenge them.
  4. Their offer was like 4k lower on my Audi than Carmax. Waste of my time.
  5. You must have been at my Bachelor party...same story, April 2014. 'Twas a good time. OP-You're welcome for my help too.
  6. You could use a plane that has a salvage title. GOT EM.
  7. Anyone see the news article this morning where two neighbors got in an argument over their sprinkler systems getting a house wet? They shot and killed each other. Move on. There are bigger things in life to worry about than this. Edit: Boom, here it is: http://nbc4i.com/2016/07/19/fight-over-sprinkler-systems-leaves-two-men-dead/
  8. Yeah lol, telling me to text you. I did
  9. I texted him on the whole bedroom suite around 4:30 and haven't heard back.
  10. Damn, this is a lot of work and drama for someone just connecting to your fence. I know it sucks and I'd be pissed too, but it's not worth getting shot over. People are fucking crazy man- it's 2016. You want this fucker killing you over someone connecting to your damn fence? Honestly, it's not worth it. The fence will be fine. Those 4x4 posts were made to hold some serious weight.
  11. Interested in bedroom set- any idea where it's from and how old it is? I am also off Hilliard Rome.
  12. CR has come through yet again. My guys.
  13. Bump, it's been a great week to golf!
  14. The combo I bought was only $99 because it was prime day
  15. About to buy this now: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00GJ7Y7MU/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1468372562&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=modem+and+router+combo&dpPl=1&dpID=51ZyNcPPhzL&ref=plSrch
  16. This is what I have now through AT&T: https://www.amazon.com/AT-U-Verse-Modem-5031NV-Pace/dp/B00KXBNGNE
  17. Anyone else have input? Prime day ends soon, what should I buy?! Right now I have a router/modem combo
  18. Absolutely- when I ordered, I told them not to provide me one. I just want to make sure I have something at my house and ready when they get there that'll allow me to use internet and satellite.
  19. This is exactly what I'm trying to do- buy my own drop in unit to avoid the monthly fee.
  20. Anyone want to make some extra money? My Jetta needs 2 front wheel bearings. I've purchased both of them brand new with new hubs. I'm not confident in doing them myself. I have a call in to Dozzers but I know they are backed up. Anyone want to tackle it? You can use my garage and my tools, and I'll help. My buddy has a press that we can use for the bearings.
  21. Thanks for the feedback. I don't know a lot about this stuff (I can't say it enough: I suck at golf). I'll get that info tonight- aside from model and shaft stiffness, any other recommendations? For the record, they're not generic pictures. They're actual.
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