How much do you plan to spend?
Around $5,000.
Top 3 color preferences?
AWD or FWD? (RWD was removed due to your post)
Preferably FWD.
Will the car see any type of drag racing or auto x?
Maybe drag racing once I get more experienced.
How many miles do you drive a week?
I would probably drive to school, friends, etc. The usual places HS students drive.
Manual or auto?
Please list the below in order from most want to do not want.
4 door, hatch, coupe, convertible, suv, hybrid, truck, semi, spaceship
Coupe, Hatch, 4 Door, Convertible, SUV, Truck, Hybrid, Spaceship, Semi.
Do you plan on modding the car? If so what type of mods?
Not til' I get more money. I would like a used car already with a few mods.
Do you want a car payment or to buy it up front?
Buying up-front.
Ideal milage?
List two of your dream cars.
-Nissan GT-R (far-fetched)
-Subaru WRX STi (realistic)
List two practical cars that you like to give a good idea of what type of body style you like.
F-Body Camaro
Did you guys pay much for it?
I was looking a used Civic's & Accord's. Accord's seems to cost a bit more than Civic's.
Thanks; good suggestion.
Wouldn't insurance be expensive on it though?