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Everything posted by Brendon

  1. Real talk. http://i771.photobucket.com/albums/xx353/iiELiT3614/realtalk.jpg
  2. I actually haven't even thought about that previously. Good suggestion. I think I have heard of Auto-X before, but I have never looked into it.
  3. True. I know I am going to have to replace a few things here-and-there, because that's expected with almost ever car. Especially with something older too, it would hopefully be cheaper to fix things. I saw those online. I heard they're pretty cheap.
  4. I'm going to try to have fun with it, but I will always be responsible with how I drive it.
  5. My budget isn't very high, so I am trying to get what I can, with what I have. I understand what you mean about the first car though, I treat all my stuff good though, so I don't know if that changes anything.
  6. I've never tried these, but I found them online. http://www.carparts.com/ http://www.jcwhitney.com/
  7. Understandable. Hopefully the RX-9 is impressing.
  8. CTRL/SHIFT (Depending on MAC or PC) + Click Each One = Delete
  9. Just lie about your name or something, lol.
  10. I like VW GTI's. I was also looking at Golf's, GTI's, and Jetta's online.
  11. I thought that's what most people would do. Nothing is necessarily wrong with it, I am just hesitant about it because it's my first car. And, driving in the rain and snow would suck with a RWD car.
  12. I'm sure you could probably talk him down a bit though; because that seems a lot more expensive than what it's probably worthy of.
  13. And I'm sure if they claimed (put their name on) my car, and my name was on one of theirs, the insurance rate(s) would be a lot cheaper, right?
  14. I bet the MPG's would suck in the winter though. You're right, some people do rev them high; probably because they sound amazing!
  15. How much do you plan to spend? Around $5,000. Top 3 color preferences? Black Silver Red AWD or FWD? (RWD was removed due to your post) Preferably FWD. Will the car see any type of drag racing or auto x? Maybe drag racing once I get more experienced. How many miles do you drive a week? I would probably drive to school, friends, etc. The usual places HS students drive. Manual or auto? Either Please list the below in order from most want to do not want. 4 door, hatch, coupe, convertible, suv, hybrid, truck, semi, spaceship Coupe, Hatch, 4 Door, Convertible, SUV, Truck, Hybrid, Spaceship, Semi. Do you plan on modding the car? If so what type of mods? Not til' I get more money. I would like a used car already with a few mods. Do you want a car payment or to buy it up front? Buying up-front. Ideal milage? N/A List two of your dream cars. -Nissan GT-R (far-fetched) -Subaru WRX STi (realistic) List two practical cars that you like to give a good idea of what type of body style you like. STi F-Body Camaro Did you guys pay much for it? I was looking a used Civic's & Accord's. Accord's seems to cost a bit more than Civic's. Thanks; good suggestion. Wouldn't insurance be expensive on it though?
  16. He plays on the travel team, and he's kind of bummed because he doesn't play as much, but he's a beast on his rec team. Probably one of the best on the team, by far. But he wants to get better so he can play on the school team next year.
  17. Exactly why I was thinking about selling it.
  18. I made the mistake of spending a lot of money on revamping my gold club set. So I am just looking to replace that money that I've spent already.
  19. That's not necessarily biased, because I don't play much anymore. I used to be an avid gamer when I was younger, but now I could really care-less about them.
  20. Good First Cars? I've been looking around online for something that would be a good car or me. I looked at older Camaro's, Firebird's & Nova's. What hesitates me from getting something like that is because they're usually RWD, and car insurance rates and I don't know how well having a RWD car in the snow and rain would be for an un-experienced driver. I want something real cheap, but something that will hold up well enough that will last me a while. Any suggestions?
  21. Well, there's still an Xbox at my moms, and one at my dads too. So all I would be selling was my personal one. It's not like I wouldn't be able to play or anything. I'm just trying to put as much as possible towards a car now.
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