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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. To improve the moral of this thread:




    God dammit, got beat by Bravo

  2. This argument has gone around in circles for years with facts on both sides. I'm biased because here is what happened to me....


    A guy in finance said I was approved for $225k. I asked how much the payment was, and he started talking about the ramp up mortgage. Asked me how much of a raise I got each year, my yearly bonus, and any other forms of "expected income". He worked out the math to tell me I could afford it by the time it ramped up. Being conservative I told him I wasnt buying a house for more than $175. At that point he tried to pressure us to get a house by showing how much better the more expensive houses were, and told us the program was made specifically for people like us. After an hour of declining offers he finally gave up. The pressure given from that guy was pretty bad. Having a 24% foreclosure percentage in my area can be partly contributed to that one guy. One finance guy and a lot of young people with dreams to buy a house that were taken advantage of. Not saying its all like that because we know Americans love to live outside of their means.. but when you get pressure on top of it, its not good.


    Yes its the buyers job to be aware. But its also the finance companies job to be mindful of who they give money to. There is fault on both sides.




    Honestly, don't beat yourself over it. Here's another example: young people were able to buy new homes in the new market and within 6 months to a year, they were able to sell with a profit. So they took the profit and bought a bigger home with the staggered loan thinking that it is working now and it will down the road. The housing market craps itself, people lose their jobs, and their finances has hit the fan. It's easy to sit back now and say one can't complain about the situation they put themselves in. At the time, the housing market was booming along with everything else. The best thing I ever did was to not buy a house when I was younger because I know that I would have lost and been even more screwed than what I am now. We're all ecky experts after the fact.

  3. In order to be marketable across the board, you basically end up being bland/vanilla that is safe across the board. If for example you are for strict immigration, then you get labled racist against the latino population. It's all self-serving bs.


    The billionaires don't pay into the debt because it doesn't make them money doing so. Yes they could collectively make a dent, but why should they pay off mine or yours financial woes when they could put up a new housing development to make money off of.


    I'm on the soap box below:

    A big problem that I see is that state/federal programs are used as means to buy votes from a target audience. At some point, the government has to get smaller, people have to stop living off the system, and people have to make sacrifices to move forward.

  4. Why don't you slow the fuck down on Granville :gabe:


    Gahanna entirely, is a speed trap.


    It is even more now that the older cops are retiring and the younger I'm a tough guy military MP bunch are taking their place. Even with that, go no more than 5 mph over in downtown Gahanna and you are fine.

  5. That's awesome, I've never seen that one.










































    Except the time you quoted a link to the same video.



    One is show me your genitals and the other is show me your vagina.

  6. I would say it's real. I had some fuck nut try to steal a back tire of mine, but only loosened the bolts. I make a slow left turn and I noticed a rim/tire that looks familiar goes past my car. It went down hill 3/4 of a mile down the street before being stopped by the side of a car stopped at an intersection.
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