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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. Favorite race of the year!!!!
  2. You and me both....I have an 11 month old son....I couldn't even imagine
  3. This ^ But also, did she really need the air filters with only 16k miles on the car??!! that's just shady business practice right there....maybe the air filter, but the cabin filter?? I would think those are in the ballpark of 30k-50k mile part?
  4. I guess I'm just educating any 'stupid people' that may be viewing this thread :dumb:
  5. Just got back from Nashville, from a 'long weekend.' Cool city. What do you guys like to do, especially since the wifey doesn't drink?
  6. http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery/OVRSolo20120520/images/solo1013.jpg http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery/OVRSolo20120520/images/solo1639.jpg http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery/OVRSolo20120520/images/solo1640.jpg http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery/OVRSolo20120520/images/solo1644.jpg http://www.incom-racing.com/images/gallery/OVRSolo20120520/images/solo1647.jpg
  7. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/577337_10100680442584610_20903873_49192928_738633398_n.jpg
  8. His comment was a very subtle hint that his name was at the top of the RAW timesheet I know Thanks
  9. Fucking classic! http://i.imgur.com/qRFKd.jpg
  10. Another run...view from overhead this time.....
  11. Fastest run from today.....
  12. Thanks guys! Fun course today Results are up, BTW Class --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2012/02_fin_2012-05-20.htm PAX --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2012/02_pax_2012-05-20.htm RAW --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/uploads/ax_results/2012/02_raw_2012-05-20.htm
  13. Yes, they're very high quality and made in the USA. Alot of BMW guys use them to rebuild diffs for bearings and races. Rockauto usually has good pricing on them.
  14. BUMP** **Driver's School is SOLD OUT, but the points event is still open for pre-registration. PLEASE NOTE!! This is event is pre-reg ONLY....We will NOT be accepting ANY walk-ups for this event, due to the tight timeline for the day. Pre-registration closes Fri May 18, @ 6AM. Pre-reg here-->http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.c...81E11F98F73B49
  15. I hate you all! :finger: :nutkick: :asshole: 's
  16. Karma's a bitch, gentlemen
  17. DRIVERS SCHOOL IS SOLD OUT! But there are plenty of spots available for the points event in the afternoon.
  18. Geez, is it 'pick on Kale day' today? :fuuuu:.....alright, I'll shut up then......... :bows down to Rich:
  19. If you're going to do the class, you need to sign up NOW. Only 2 spots left until we're full. Sign up here--> http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/742C81ED-E05F-A185-5781E11F98F73B49
  20. Well, I guess I'm just a slow driver then :fa:
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