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Posts posted by bmwohio

  1. Fo those who are new to AutoX, sign up for the Driver's school on 5/20.


    This is NOT required, so don't worry if you can't make it. But it's very helpful, so I highly recommend you go. Even with 3 years under my belt I still found useful help at the Driver's School. It's very low pressure and fun. :) I took a friend to one last year and he had a blast. He had no idea his car could do the things that it did. :)


    Students are divided up into small groups that work with one instructor. The instructor will take their group through the course, walking it step by step and explaining the techniques used for each type of corner. Then you will drive the course with the instructor riding along with you. He/she will start you off easy and help you gain speed through multiple runs of the course. And the timing equipment will be running so you can keep track of your progress.


    Seats are limited, so register early. But this is a great way to get a secure footing in AutoX if you've never done this before.


    Well said! Thanks for posting this Draco!


    Why is the May 6th open for reg but 4/14 isn't?




    Fixed...will be open by this weekend... still working out some kinks in some new features that they added during the off season

  2. http://i.imgur.com/BX9i0.jpg






  3. So what determines whether they get tubes or not? My son is 9 months and he is on his 5th round of a different antibiotic for an ear infection. It doesn't really seem to bother him, but he can't seem to kick these damn ear infections.


    Anyone know if diet relates to this in anyway?

  4. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/1256dyd.gif





    Trust me, you'll get a chuckle -->






  5. Kale, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't some organizations, like NASA allow M rated helmets on tracks?


    Just wondering...if not I gotta start searching for a SA 2010 helmet...or 2005 if its cheap


    Some but not all allow Motorcycle rated helmets. I'm still holding onto the fact that I may get a bike again some day so I opt towards motorcycle helmets. I did have one PCA chapter give me a little bit of a hard time about it last year though.


    Kyle, basically what Andy just said.....it depends on the club you're running with. I bought SA just so I never have to have that discussion.

  6. why be a jerk? I had a nice shoei helmet when I rode, sold the bike and sold the helmet. I don't know the helmet regulations for autocross but my new car and the renewed interest of others (I.E. cordell and crossle et al) piqued my interest in this season. I hoped I could get tips from experienced regulars but you make it seem, shall I say uninviting.


    Just needs to be Snell approved. We have 'loaner' helmets that you can use too if you don't have a helmet for an event....or, as Cordell has offered (i think), you can borrow one from someone else.....


    Look for this sticker on the inside of the helmet. It needs to be M2005, M2010, SA2005, or SA2010







    Keep in mind that typically the 'M' rated helmets are not good at a track like Mid-Ohio, but the 'SA' helmets are going to be 2-3 times as much as the 'M' rated helmets. Just saying, if you are ever considering doing track time, this will help reduce the change of having to buy two helmets.

  7. Serious question in the Kitchen, the first event is at National Trails, is that an Auto-X event or 1/4 mile fun? I've only driven past and most of the lots look like grass. Second, the 5/19 event says Lot Clean Up Day what does that mean?




    I am really thinking of coming to watch as I've been wanting to try this for a while. Just sucks because I'll have my kids as my wife works on the weekends.


    Serious answer, while they used to holkd rallycross events in the grassy areas, they do hold regular autocross events in the pits. The 5-19 lot clean up is just that, because you'll notice that the next day is the actual autocross event.


    CR will be having a drag day, but the SCCA and other autocrossing clubs don't typically drag race.



    This is a new lot for us, hence the 'lot clean up day'.....it will be the first time running there, so we need to make sure the lot is ready to roll. Cordell is correct, SCCA does not 'drag race' :dumb: .....I can't wait to see you guys out there. In all seriousness, we have a great novice program if you are looking for 'pointers'....myself or others will be happy to ride along.....

  8. The surface is a little bumpy, but we will make it work. quote]


    Says the "young" guy that drives something with springs between the wheels and the chassis.....


    Just kidding - it will do in this transition year!


    Yeah, no solid axle for me, Craig....thanks :dumb:

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