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Everything posted by ihateu3

  1. ihateu3

    Tonight 5/29

    Where is this gonna be? I wouldn't mind doing something today, and getting to meet some of you guys!
  2. As I said, I will donate any computer/electronic/networking services that are needed. I will mod the wii and the xbox 360 for free! I am sure I can scrounge up an old PC to be used as a file server also that can stream movies/pics/music to any networked device, including maybe a media PC to a TV if the setup goes that far. Hell, I have even built full sized arcade machines with over 5000 games and would be willing to do it again if someone had a cabinet!
  3. I am glad that your experience with geek squad was good, because most aren't.... They don't pay those guys enough to care, and I swear they work on commission. You don't know how many times people have brought me a PC after geek squad diagnosed a bad HDD, and in reality the PC didn't even need any new hardware to repair!
  4. Liability can be easily averted with a contract voluntarily signed by the club member which states that you are not held liable for any accidental bodily harm including death from use of the facility and or facility tools and services. The signer hereby accepts and fully understands the risks of using this facility and or tools and services, and agrees to not hold (Doc) legally liable for any injuries or death that occurs on the facility grounds. This facility is a privilege to the member and used at his/her own risk. Drag strips make you sign similar agreements, as do paint ball ranges, haunted houses, fight clubs such as MMA, ect.
  5. Looks like I gotta come out to more meets and get to know you guys! Its hard though because I spend almost all my weekends at the track....
  6. Could possibly also use a key card format that logs when people have visited and left, just in case. It may not perfectly identify a shady member, but it would narrow it down for future investigation. I think that's a good investment for a small price. It would help members feel more secure about leaving personal belongings there, and also bring an awareness that we know you where here and when!
  7. I think this is an amazing idea, but then again I am an overly trusting person. I am unsure of how you will choose trustworthy members, but I am sure there are people you don't know very well (like me) that are trusting and would love to be a part of it. Maybe having applicants pay for a background check to submit to you? There has to be a good way in order to figure out trust worthy members. Once that is done, I think the real issue is respect! Make a mess, clean it up! Use a tool, wipe the tool clean and put it back! Respect could turn into an issue of the blame game! Maybe a few security camera's, that would also protect from theft that's unrelated to members. BTW, I live an hour away, and would use it as often as possible. And I have no problem donating my Computer and networking skills if needed.
  8. sport compact nationals are tomorrow at Summit Raceway. I wanted to see who all is attending/running?
  9. You are right, but honestly had you bought a Dell, IBM, or HP, the money saved would have more than paid for a new screen! I'm not a fan of any PC maker, they are all almost the same. PC companies are just assemblers using available mainstream computer parts, they just pick the pieces and put it together for you. Just build your own....
  10. Apple is shit because it over charges for the same product. A Fiero with a Ferrari body kit is still just a Fiero, just more money. Apple uses the same components of a PC, just a different OS and wraps it in great looks then calls it superior. What does that say about Apples claimed superiority in the past when they where still using the IBM PowerPC architecture? Apple moved to Intel x86 in effort to keep up with PC's, you know, the same architecture PC's have been using for millenia! If you want to run OSX that bad, buy yourself a cheap PC and build a Hackintosh. Another reason most don't like Apple is because the way Apple treats its own customers like they are stupid. Statements in the past such as "your holding it wrong", before that it was "the iphone is displaying too many signal strength bars" and of course "Apple does not need virus protection". Combine this with also making people believe they are buying a superior product, when its actually made out of PC parts, Apple is Chic, nothing more. Of course the marketing team at Apple will make sure you are not cool to the public unless you own Apple products! Apple is the ricer boy in the PC world, all show and no performance! http://applesucks.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/fanboy.jpg?w=450&h=684
  11. This weekend, keep me updated.
  12. I have 2 friends that own these, I personally do not know anything about them, but I always over hear them bitching about a 2nd fuel pump that is actually located inside the engine that is prone to failure.
  13. BTW use a dvi to hdmi converter instead of vga, not only is it a digital connection, but it also carries your audio signal negating the need for extra wires carrying audio. Better yet, buy a $250 Acer Apire Revo (smaller than a Wii) plus a windows media center remote. Install XBMC on the Revo and have a dedicated media PC for your TV (comes with HDMI) thats capable of 1080P that you can control with a remote and even watch youtube. Then run your movies from its internal HDD, a thumbdrive, or do like I do and network it allowing it to pull movies, music, photos from any computer on your network! This is the best option....
  14. HTC = Best Phones Android = Best OS
  15. ihateu3

    Anyone mod xbox's?

    It appears you are correct, I was not aware that the ck3 did not need trace cutting or soldering, this is a first. So yup, that video pretty much sums up what you need to do!
  16. ihateu3

    Anyone mod xbox's?

    Lemme see this youtube vid. The traces need to be cut in certain areas and soldered to power in order to read the keys. The easiest way to do this step is to buy "vampire boards" with your xecuter xtractor vampire probe. You just cut a few traces and solder the vampire board into place, alot easier than without the board. Either way, buying these tools puts you in over $50.
  17. ihateu3

    Anyone mod xbox's?

    Slim or fat? If slim you should have no problems, if its the fat model, I hope you are comfortable with cutting traces, soldering and buying a probe. Seriously, just download the Jungle Flasher guide here, it will tell you everything you need. http://hotfile.com/dl/113629572/571eb74/jftut1.4.0.FINAL_3.pdf.html
  18. ihateu3

    Anyone mod xbox's?

    What drive do you have? Download "Jungle Flasher", make sure it comes with the guide. Certain drives require probes to get the keys, the instructions will help you determine that. Once you get the keys, download the correct LT+ firmware, copy keys to new firmware and flash (all in the instructions). I have all the tools necessary and flash for $50 if you are unable to achieve this yourself. I also do wii's and PS3's. http://jungleflasher.net/index.html
  19. HAHAHA, I like you, your funny!
  20. But the GTO could pass as a next generation Grand Prix GT, black out the headlights on the GT http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Pontiac_Grand_Prix_GT_coupe_--_10-12-2009.jpg/800px-Pontiac_Grand_Prix_GT_coupe_--_10-12-2009.jpg *edit* the GTP is real close! http://www.davetech.net/pics/photo-s5/photo-s5-02.jpg http://www.davetech.net/pics/photo-s5/photo-s5-06.jpg
  21. Not making fun of it, was explaining why people think it looks like the grand am or g8 (which was a grand prix concept). The car is my sig is beautiful lol!
  22. Its because of the pontiac bird beak nose.
  23. You like the grand am look better?
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