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Everything posted by NEORedLS1

  1. No last stand? THANK GOD.
  2. NEORedLS1


    Thiiirrrrrd. :lolguy:
  3. I will be there next year hopefully. Money fell thru for this time around. Chris's videos and pics looked absolutely ridiculous.
  4. Yep. Dead serious. It was so funny listening to some of the reps up there. Most are just barbie dolls with an earpiece saying whats on the brochure. This guy was a jackass, tried to oversell it to me when all I asked him was what were the numbers were on it.
  5. Looks great. Couldn't fit my big ass into one to drive it though. 6'4 and Lotus don't mix.
  6. Scion/Toyota rep Detroit NA Auto Show said this car is the replacement for the Supra. Couldn't help but laugh in his face.
  7. NEORedLS1


    Got a buddy in the market for one. Will pass the word along.
  8. This. Why didn't Don Imus narrate this video?
  9. Got a friend selling some weight equipment I think still. I'll make a call and get back to you.
  10. Ok, got a few messages back from some friends going into the medical field: #1: Could be a tension headache, or TMJ which is a joint problem in your jaw. Should go to a doctor to get looked at for TMJ #2: Could be two separate problems; headaches are often caused by vasodilation of blood vessels in the brain. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it could relieve the pressure and thus, alleviate the headaches he's having. Sleeping in an awkward position can cause tightness in his neck, although I don't think it would affect his face. Has he noticed any changes in vision, level of consciousness, nausea, vomiting? I'm working from a very small knowledge-base, and ultimately, the best advice I can give is to seek a medical professional if his symptoms don't resolve. #3: AIDS.
  11. My money is on muscle spasm. I'll ask some of my pre-med/nursing buddies what they think. Anything else abnormal or just that random occurance?
  12. If it was short lived it could have been a muscle spasm. When I pinched a nerve in my neck during football I had something similar happen, do any heavy lifting or jerk your neck a wrong way?
  13. NEORedLS1

    Kony 2012

    Ministry of Hugs and Sunshine :dumb:
  14. http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h239/BS_Tiger56/KattWilliams.gif
  15. Read. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/image/essay/1 Quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever read, and this was an actual University submitted paper... and didn't fail it! :gabe:
  16. Good luck to all going down. Kick some ass and rep us well
  17. You got it! I bleed orange and black lol
  18. Mom is a cosmotologist. I get it done free on her schedule lol. Next time you're up this way definitely get a hold of me. Other than class Tuesday/Thursday I don't do shit other than work a couple nights
  19. How insane could you possibly be to do this lol. The crazy part is I think it's an actual league lol
  20. Starting the official CR Team, who's in? :fuckyeah:
  21. I hated my credit union up this way. Wouldn't give me a $3000 loan on my GTP and I have good credit. When they did that I closed my accounts the next day.
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