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Everything posted by blurtoyou

  1. Priced to sell. Ready for paint.
  2. Good to see u on here.
  3. I hope that kid tetanus shot is current.
  4. blurtoyou

    How long

    I waited 22 Days!! In pickaway county. The sheriff does not support ccw.
  5. http://edge.ebaumsworld.com/picture/GregOlsen5678/WhenyoureacreepyRapist.png
  6. Did not see face......Could not make eye contact.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHYja3xEYOc&feature=related
  8. when I saw this in 2012 I was like omg... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8dxQShm_Pnw/Ta_TF_LtPQI/AAAAAAAAAD0/f6gdllvNQAM/s400/bush-finger_2_textmedium.jpeg
  9. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/408055_288247354565950_100001420624074_848230_246768663_n.jpg
  10. casino royale http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJubOZLpp4A
  11. blurtoyou

    Hey faggots,

  12. im going out. Wana take some pics before i tear it apart for the winter.
  13. mexican cops are kinda cool..... lots deer in mexico
  14. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3900000/Miami-Vice-miami-vice-3924405-800-600.jpgi love the original. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3900000/Miami-Vice-miami-vice-3924405-800-600.jpg
  15. http://www.killsometime.com/videos/5715/Crash-Proof-Motorcycle-Test-FAIL
  16. Seller has responded to your question about this item Dear blurtoyou,No where did I say John Force put the tach in. I said it is "BUILT BY" Go peddle your tricycle since you obviously dont know anything bout cars.- 1967harleydave Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: blurtoyou To: 1967harleydave Subject: Other: blurtoyou sent a message about Ford : Mustang #140670136265 Sent Date: Dec-29-11 19:32:19 PST Dear 1967harleydave,I think u might be crazy!!! John Force would never put a sunpro tack in anything. Not sure if this listing is serious.- blurtoyou
  17. Bump cause good thread and drunk
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