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Everything posted by blurtoyou

  1. Ill drive it like john force for him.
  2. Im gona buy it just for the sweet sunpro tach, and the top that was"put on by a shop".
  3. Not sure if this guy serious. SunPro tach??? John Force?? Thought it was funny.:lolguy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140670136265
  4. I have some stuff in the works this winter.
  5. nice!:megusta: http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h354/blurtoyou/IMAG0100.jpg
  6. Watching diehard, putting out the gifts for the kids. Good christmas moive.:megusta:
  7. Got one for the wife. Its pretty responsive and the screen is good. I put netflixs on it and it works great. Only thing I dont like is the speakers suck.
  8. http://www.heaven666.org/shit-is-all-fucked-up-46768.php
  9. Just saying....... I have experience with this type of blower. The faster u spin them, the faster they go bad.
  10. That blower might need rebuilt. http://www.cundnracing.com/
  11. http://static.thehollywoodgossip.com/images/gallery/lindsay-lohan-mug-shots_582x415.jpg http://images5.cpcache.com/product_zoom/188877175v1_460x460_Front_Color-White_padToSquare-true.jpg:lolguy:
  12. http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/web03/2010/10/11/19/do-want-3657-1286840220-50.jpg
  13. http://howardstern.com.tw/
  14. blurtoyou


    http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385394_2203855663723_1467318171_31785928_817612445_n.jpg MERRY F-ING CHRISTMAS
  15. Waiting for the video of phil, when this happens to him:lolguy:
  16. blurtoyou

    Go blue

    sounds like they need you , fuckin move.
  17. blurtoyou

    Go blue

  18. blurtoyou

    Go blue

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