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Everything posted by mustangman2011

  1. thanks couldnt find anything specific
  2. Keep hearing news about it, but what is the big deal? What the differences etc?
  3. So are you guys not friends anymore?
  4. How about James whatever that used to be Columbus...bad joke,,,remember he wrecked a customer car
  5. Same as what everyone else is saying. Did you install it yourself? Correct push rod length etc?
  6. Well I guess you never drove through some of these little hokey towns/townships in Ohio before you left. Honestly this is the only way the towns make money. Some of the stuff is crazy like they sit right before or after where the speed limit changes where there is a hill etc. Was I just blowing through there no. Was I working late at night and driving through small towns yes. Maybe with coasting down a hill yes but it wasn't driving crazy (over 10 etc). I doubt I just became an insane driver in one year where I didn't have a ticket for 5 years. Anyway thanks to everyone for the good advice. To everybody else I hope nothing bad happens to you so you have a hardship where everyone just judges you without knowing everything
  7. Thanks for the info from everyone I have a continuance now. Not sure how long they will give me though. Like I said before all these tickets are from this year. So I would have to duck them for at least an year not sure if that is possible. Also, I am not sure if I should take the class now or after court havent gotten a few differnt responses. I am going to call BMV tomorrow and ask. Does anybody know if I got a license in another state before my court date how this would affect anything? Not like a neighboring state but farther away? I know in the old days states didnt share information unless they were a partnering state etc
  8. Ok thanks for the advise. For everyone killing me I had no tickets in 5 years until the last year. I was working out of town in Muskingham County. I think if you sneeze you get a ticket. I got three tickets in one month. I swear I wasnt speeding either. I made the mistake of not getting a lawyer thinking it would be like Columbus and got screwed. The prosecutor wouldnt even talk to me and I had to cross exam the cop myself etc. I caught him in some mistakes and they still found me guilty. So I just plead guilty to the other two because didnt have money for a lawyer. Unfortunately, this one is in Pickaway County so I am guessing the wheels of justice work the same there too. I am guessing they will just throw the book at me etc. What an average lawyer charge for traffic offenses? How much does the class cost?
  9. If you are at the threshold for suspension. Do you take the safe driving course before or after you go to court? Cliffs....I am one more ticket from 12 points and got a ticket the other day.So would I take after or before going to court to keep my license? Thanks
  10. Yes all Roush did was look at the Von on dash and asked for 3.50
  11. Yes this was done in the sun the other day. Do you do ac work Craig? If you dont do work anybody you recommend? Anyway to answer your questions she said the ac hasnt been that great for a while a year or so. Its cool air but not as cold as it should be. With it being over 100 degrees lately the air temperature is really noticable. Basically it is hot as hell with the air on still.
  12. Anyway ac blowing warm air bought gauge with freon. The low side gauge read around 55 PSI. I read it wrong and added more freon dohhhh it went up to about 65 PSI. Before freon was added and after the clutch kicks on and off fairly quickly still blowing hot air. Also I noticed when the clutch/compressor kicks on some sparks were shooting out. I dont have a high side gauges etc what should I check next? Ac switch? Compressor/Clutch bad? How can you tell which one is bad? If I buy or borrow gauges what does the high side tell you? Will that narrow the problem down exactly? Thanks
  13. Had wrong info before had wrong county. I heard from a few people Rob is in jail right now in Delaware County. I dont know his last name to check online..
  14. I heard from a few people Rob is in jail right now in Delaware County. I dont know his last name to check online..
  15. tried to pm your inbox is full..do you still work for the dealer that sold like of diesels and heavy duty trucks? If so what is the link my relative is looking for an diesel truck
  16. I am interested in this job just pmd u
  17. There a few down there I have seen advertising for not sure if there general or if there ones that specialize in Probate. Warren law firm is one of them
  18. Just had one done at Roush Honda out of state vin check was $3.50 no notary either because that state didnt require it
  19. Where are you located at?
  20. thanks I have thick skin can take the hazing no problem
  21. hey whats up....I am not sure about the first pic if it was enhanced or whatever before I bought it. Not sure why all the drama.
  22. No crack rock....here sorry...I like them a little thicker
  23. Sorry I have changed things around a bit.... I think it is just the angle/glare I will get some more pics up. I have just basic stuff exhaust air filter chip no engine mods or super charger etc
  24. Sorry was typing on my phone will add more stuff later
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